Posts from Dooley in thread „100+ Post Club“

    I posted a congrats to BatjacAuburn somewhere else so guess I better do it in the correct place!

    Congratulations on 200 posts!

    Keep em coming

    Here, here, a big congratulations on the 400 post but an even bigger thank you for posting some of the most informative and interesting posts on the forum.
    Peter (Dooley)

    Well, I started after you, June 19th, I think. But I am 62 and probably have more time to post. I hit 500 in 2 mos. and about 13 days, LOL. Headed for 600 in another couple of weeks. Hope to reach 1000 before they kick me off for being "longwinded". So, how old are you MISTER? Or are you of the female version such as myself and Peridot?

    Nice going, young 'un! KEITH

    Belated congrats on 500!
    The speed your going it's no surprise your missing out on the congratulations!:wink_smile:

    Thanks Keith, I reckon I'd still be languishing around my first 100 if I didn't go on about the weather so much!:wink_smile:

    A point many of us share, but that doesn't change he fact that you made it to 100!
    A big Congratulations for that!

    Chester :newyear:

    I'll try harder not to bore you with so many weather posts from now on!


    Thanks Keith, I reckon I'd still be languishing around my first 100 if I didn't go on about the weather so much!:wink_smile:

    Congrats Dooley......I hope to get there one day.
    I loved Island in the Sky. First time I had ever seen Duke act outside of his norm. There were expressions on his face that had never been before and never after, or that is my belief!
    Once again, way to go, Dooley! KP KEITH

    I totally agree Hawkswill, I was really impressed at how good the Duke, the supporting cast and the film where the first time I watched it. It's one of the tensest performances delivered by the Duke in his long career.
    Also, a belated welcome to the forum, I'm sure I speak for all on here that it's great to have someone so knowledgeable in our midst. Keep going you'll get to 300 in a blink!

    Cheers guys,
    Every day on here I learn things and as a consequence have more questions to ask!
    Can't see that slowing down for a while.

    We're glad you found this place too, Dooley. You sure have shared some beautiful photos with us. You keep coming back, this board will always be here.


    Glad the pics were appreciated, thought I may have overdone it!

    Out of all the places I've visited in my life, Monument Valley has left the biggest impression. I think it was like living part of a childhood dream.

    I've ordered 5 books so far on: John Ford, Monument Valley and the Duke since my return.

    Some may say, my wife, that I'm a little obsessed!

    Thanks guys,

    Still getting the hang of this and will be commenting on and sticking my opinions into the mix more and more as I get going.

    Glad I found this place!
