Posts from Hawkswill in thread „100+ Post Club“

    Well, I started after you, June 19th, I think. But I am 62 and probably have more time to post. I hit 500 in 2 mos. and about 13 days, LOL. Headed for 600 in another couple of weeks. Hope to reach 1000 before they kick me off for being "longwinded". So, how old are you MISTER? Or are you of the female version such as myself and Peridot?

    Nice going, young 'un! KEITH

    OK Friend Bill, I will well remember when your next rollover comes, you betcha! And as for friend Peter..........he is not here to defend himself, but I have a black belt so be nice, Bill. Probably would use the .357 though, a lot easier! The movie got rave reviews everywhere. Many critics said it was too bad it was an HBO movie because it couldn't be put into theaters. Wasn't shot for theaters anyway. And to think Billy, (Gil Grissom, CSI) gave me the biggest vase of roses I have ever gotten, LOL!

    Thanks a bunch Mark. I don't seem to have many friends on here, but the ones I have like you are the best. Don't need many when I have you guys!
    You are all super, and I think each one of you know that I think that about you. Thanks to you all for helping me so much and writing nice things about my posts....well SOME of them Bill, HAH! KP

    Hi There Friend Peter! Thanks SO much for thinking of my posts. Surely I will run out of things to say soon. Probably won't ever make 300, LOL! Do you like baseball? Probably not, your being over there. Anyway, I have a fantastic baseball movie for you to watch. The crew making it stayed at my hotel in Tampa. It was made for TV, so it never came out in DVD....shame, because it is considered one of the best made of its kind.
    The girl, think it was her first lead role is Virginia Madsen...famous over here now. The guy was Billy. I thought he had not made it in pictures. Well, I was wrong. He is William Peterson....don't know if you have CSI over there, but he is Gil Grissom! One of my heart throbs, LOL. He once sent me roses. Long story. Anyway, he is the CSI guy that is the "insect expert" and the leader of the squad! Thanks again Peter, KP

    WOW, congratulations to Rough Rider and to Peter. Rough Rider, it seems to go more quickly after the first 100....maybe not, be it seems that way! Hooray for you!

    And Peter.....I guess I am not very observant. Didn't realize you were that close. WAY TO GO! And I LOVE every one of your posts!


    Thanks to Keith, Jim and Sue, Bill, Hondo and Arthur. Doesn't seem like much of a big deal when looking at all yall's posts! But, for some reason or other, it made me proud. And I am proud that some of you enjoy my posts...I certainly do yours. Thanks again and walk him good before you put him up! KPKEITH

    Thanks Peter, have to go to the store and get some "backbone" to celebrate! Amazing, seems like just a couple of days ago I joined. So glad I found yall. Makes it easy to write with the encouragement of some of you. Thanks again, KPKEITH

    WOW, thanks Mark. I was out of the wood I needed this weekend, so was at the computer more. Thank goodness I can pick up my order Monday...have 15 Hiders to build in 17 days!

    Didn't realize I was so close to 100, but I noticed I had changed to Town Council. Well, I think a little less than two weeks? No WONDER I have so much to do in the shop!

    Thanks again have been just WONDERFUL! KPKEITH I will try not to do anything to get "kicked out"!

    Congrats Dooley......I hope to get there one day.
    I loved Island in the Sky. First time I had ever seen Duke act outside of his norm. There were expressions on his face that had never been before and never after, or that is my belief!
    Once again, way to go, Dooley! KP KEITH