The Undefeated (1969)
There are 158 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 171,743 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.
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I will agree that it is a bit slow at times however I like the film and so do my kids it has some very great parts. I am glad John Wayne made it imagine if he didnt. I always say anything with John Wayne has to have something good about it.
Couldn't agree with you more. -
Catching up been away for a week in Kent, Like this movie very much.
It is maybe the weakest western from Duke and Andrew McLaglen...Everything goes wrong here.So many striking anachronisms.Αwkard acting from the cast.Even Ben Johnson is ''outside of the waters'' here.The end is one of the worst I have ever seen in a movie and it is not the best for a western.I would expect something better from a movie based in General Shelby's story.Anyway...
I like only the fist fight in the middle of the movie and for me Merlin Olsen was enjoyable.I like also the poster with the cast and the way Duke poses
.Rock Hudson was pretty good but only with two good actors can't avoid the bad elements.
It has a good score.
I agree it may be their weakest collaboration, but I still find it enjoyable overall. The chemistry with Ben, Rock, Bruce, Duke, and the familiar cast-mates is fine as usual. I still watch it often. I find Rio Lobo less enjoyable than this one.