She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (1949)

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  • Great picture, Paula. And, I believe, there is his "brand new silver watch just given him by "C" troop"......loved that part....his getting someone to read it for him almost every time, LOL!

    From a vintage still in my collection. :)

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • SUPER , clear picture of Frankie McGrath. Unusual. Thanks, Paula. Those are hard to find! KEITH

    One more...sorry about the gunk on John Wayne's face. It's stuck there and I can't get it off without damaging the photo.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Dear Lasbugas,

    Funny you should post that. Or should I say, serendipity. :) I just obtained another, better vintage copy of this that is just like the one you posted... so, you just saved me having to post it! ;)

    I also got a better (vintage) copy of the funeral scene that does not have anything obstructing John Wayne's face and I will get around to scanning that and posting it eventually.

  • Hard question, I always thought there was more to be seen from Dukes character in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon". He retires, he goes west, what adventures await him?? Just a thought.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • he did rejoin the army a bad ending,the ending should have been when he was riding out west,my opinion

    I remember him rejoining as a scout but I thought he was riding away. Gees, I have to break it out and watch it again. I hate getting old!! HAHAHAHA!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hard question, I always thought there was more to be seen from Dukes character in "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon". He retires, he goes west, what adventures await him?? Just a thought.

    This is from our opening post

    'This was one of the performances which Wayne was proudest of for the rest of his life,
    although he maintained that Ford made a mistake in not concluding the film with Brittles
    retiring from the Army and riding off into the sunset.
    Instead, Ford insisted on tacking on a less bittersweet ending,
    with Brittles recalled back into the cavalry and given a promotion.'

    So indeed it was intended he retired

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • That ending also removes the need for a sequal. We know what kind of man the character is, we know he is married to the service... Maybe Ford saw the posibility for another story with the other ending, but had no interest in persuing that....

    You can roll a turd in powdered sugar but that doesn’t make it a doughnut.