There are 238 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 255,399 times. The latest Post () was by Paula.

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  • Screencaps of Ben's scenes from both Chisum and the Sacketts are at my Ben Johnson page. ;) Plenty of pictures of the other actors, too.;)


    Album 1:
    Album 2:

    I'm with Keith -- Ben as mumblin' James Pepper steals the movie. :)

    The Sacketts - Part 1:

    The Sacketts - Part 2:

  • I looked around for a thread on Bonanza (maybe there's a John Wayne connection) but couldn't find one. So I'll post here. :)

    Encore Westerns has started running the later seasons of Bonanza, which haven't been aired on television since 2004. They're calling them "The Lost Episodes." Here's an article with more information about this:…home-on-encore-westerns-1

    Ben Johnson's fans will definitely want to watch an episode entitled "Top Hand," which will air on December 11 at 7:05 p.m. EST. This is Ben's third (and final) Bonanza episode -- at least during the regular run of the series. He made two Bonanza TV-movies in the 1990s.

    "Top Hand" is Ben's best Bonanza episode and one of his best TV guest roles/performances. He plays a trail boss named Kelly with a troubled past who is supported by Ben Cartwright but distrusted by some of the other cattlemen. Furthermore, a younger, ambitious cowboy played by Roger Davis is doing everything he can to take over Kelly's job. Ben is just terrific, and furthermore, the episode has a big action sequence where he gets to show off his superb riding, roping and stunt skills.

    I made a few screencaps from the old Hallmark broadcast... wish this was out on DVD but they have quite a few seasons to go yet. (Bonanza season 5 will be released in February.) So now's your chance to see this not-really-lost-but-not-seen-in-8-years episode. Ben's next role after this Bonanza "Top Hand" episode was Sam the Lion in The Last Picture Show. ;)

  • Boy, sure would like to see THAT one. Alas, I canceled satellite when Netflix dropped Wagon Train, Have Gun, etc. No TV now....only my movies. Can't get anything out here without satellite and we have no cable near here yet, LOL! Wonder if somewhere on the Net you can watch it somehow? You going to tape it, Paula? KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Boy, sure would like to see THAT one. Alas, I canceled satellite when Netflix dropped Wagon Train, Have Gun, etc. No TV now....only my movies. Can't get anything out here without satellite and we have no cable near here yet, LOL! Wonder if somewhere on the Net you can watch it somehow? You going to tape it, Paula? KEITH

    I should be able to make copies for anyone who wants one.

    Or you can watch it on youtube. Just put Bonanza Top Hand into the youtube search engine and you'll come up with at least two different videos of it. :)

  • Thanks, EthanEdwards! I did do an "advanced search" and came up bupkes with any threads dealing with Bonanza. I should have tried look through the forums but I always have trouble finding stuff that way too. :(

  • Nice scans! I have the first two, and a lot of other Wild Bunch photos, in a big pile of photos I haven't gotten around to scanning yet.

    Where did you get a contact sheet?

  • Paula, the first two are from the first scene in the film, which was deleted. There is some discord in the ranks between the Gorches and the others as they enter the town. Dutch makes a joke at their expense and Pike "pulls rank" on all of them.
    These are from the contact sheet and from a future article I wrote for CinemaRetro.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • OK...I liked this movie, but I feel that it's been very overblown by certain folks in certain corners.

    The cast is great, the action (for the most part) is stellar, and showing the old west's past, present, and uncertain future is well depicted, but it isn't the "be all, end all" of westerns.

    No disrespect for Ben, though. He was great in everything he did.