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    Holliday aged 20
    taken in 1879 in Prescott, Arizona

    John Henry Holliday
    August 14, 1851
    Griffin, Georgia, United States

    November 8, 1887 (aged 36)
    Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States

    Education -
    Graduated from Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery
    in 1872 at age 20

    Dentist, Professional gambler, Gunfighter

    Known for-
    Arizona War
    *Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
    *Earp Vendetta Ride

    Full Biography- Doc Holliday-Wikipedia
    John (Doc) Holliday was born in Griffin, Georgia, on 14th August, 1851.
    His mother died of tuberculosis and Holliday also suffered
    from the disease for most of his life.

    After studying at dental school Holliday worked as a dentist at Atlanta.
    He then moved to Dallas where he attempted to make a living as a professional gambler.
    He also developed a drink problem and a reputation for a short temper.
    Accused of shooting several men, including the killing of a soldier,
    Holliday moved to Denver.

    In 1878 he arrived in Dodge City where he became a close friend of Wyatt Earp.
    Holliday worked as a dentist before moving on to Las Vegas.
    In 1879 he killed Mike Gordon but was not charged with murder.
    Later that year he was accused of robbing the Santa Fe-Las Vegas stagecoach.

    Autographed photo of Holliday
    taken in 1879 in Prescott, Arizona

    In 1880 Holliday moved to Tombstone where he once again met up with Wyatt Earp.
    Holliday was soon in trouble and Sheriff John Behan arrested him on suspicion
    of killing a stage driver during an attempted hold-up outside of town.
    Holliday protested his innocence and was eventually released.
    In September 1881, Virgil Earp retaliated by arresting one of Behan's deputies,
    Frank Stilwell, for holding up a stagecoach.

    On 25th October, Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury arrived in Tombstone.
    Later that day Doc Holliday got into a fight with Ike Clanton in the Alhambra Saloon.
    Holliday wanted a gunfight with Clanton, but he declined the offer and walked off.

    The following day Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury were arrested by Virgil Earp
    and charged with carrying firearms within the city limits.
    After they were disarmed and released, the two men joined
    Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury, who had just arrived in town.
    The men gathered at a place called the OK Corral in Fremont Street.

    Virgil Earp now decided to disarm Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury
    and recruited Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp, James Earp and Doc Holliday
    to help him in this dangerous task.
    Behan was in town and when he heard what was happening
    he raced to Fremont Street and urged Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury
    to hand over their guns to him. They replied: "Not unless you first disarm the Earps".

    John Behan now headed towards the advancing group of men.
    He pleaded for Virgil Earp not to get involved in a shoot-out
    but he was brushed aside as the four men carried on walking towards the OK Corral.
    Virgil Earp said: "I want your guns". Billy Clanton responded by firing at Wyatt Earp.
    He missed and Morgan Earp successfully fired two bullets at Billy Clanton
    and he fell back against a wall.
    Meanwhile Wyatt Earp fired at Frank McLaury.
    The bullet hit him in the stomach and he fell to the ground.

    Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury were both unarmed and tried to run away.
    Clanton was successful but Doc Holliday shot McLaury in the back.
    Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury, although seriously wounded,
    continued to fire their guns and in the next couple of seconds Virgil Earp,
    Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday were all wounded.
    Wyatt Earp was unscathed and he managed to finish off Billy Clanton and Frank McLaury.

    Behan arrested Virgil Earp, Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday
    for murder of Billy Clanton, Tom McLaury and Frank McLaury.
    However, after a 30 day trial Judge Wells Spicer, who was related to the Earps,
    decided that the defendants had been justified in their actions.

    Over the next few months the Earp brothers struggled
    to retain hold control over Tombstone.
    On 28th December, Virgil Earp was seriously wounded in the left arm
    by an attempted assassination.

    Morgan Earp was killed when he was playing billiards with Wyatt Earp on 18th March, 1882.
    Eyewitnesses claimed that Frank Stilwell was seen running from the scene of the crime.
    Three days later Stilwell's was found dead.
    A Mexican who was also implicated in the crime was also found murdered in a lumber camp.
    It is believed that Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday were responsible for the killing of both men.

    In February, 1883, Luke Short moved to Dodge City and purchased the Long Branch Saloon
    with W. H. Harris.
    A power struggle now took place between Short and Nicholas B. Klaine,
    the editor of the Dodge City Times.
    In the election for mayor of the city later that year Klaine
    supported Larry Deger against Short's partner,
    W. H. Harris. Deger defeated Harris 214 to 143.

    Soon after gaining power Deger published Ordinance No 70,
    an attempt to ban prostitution in Dodge City.
    Two days later the local police arrested female singers being employed
    in Short's Long Branch Saloon and accused of being prostitutes.
    That night Short and L.C. Hartman, the city clerk, exchanged gunfire in the street
    . Short was now arrested and forced to leave town.

    Short had some powerful friends and in June 1883 he returned to Dodge City with Holliday,
    Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and Charlie Bassett and other well-known gunfighters
    such as, M. F. McLain, Neil Brown and W. F. Petillion.
    However, Deger and Klaine refused to be intimidated and when they refused to back down,
    Short and his friends had to accept defeat.
    In November 1883, Short and Harris sold the Long Branch Saloon and moved to Fort Worth.

    Doc Holliday died of tuberculosis on 8th November, 1887.

    Edited and Compiled by ethanedwards
    With Information and Photographs from
    Spartucus Educationaland wikipedia

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 8 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Quote

    From Wikipedia (Italian page) here is the translation:
    The nickname "Doc" (doctor) comes from the fact that he was a dentist, although he has practiced only occasionally.

    [QUOTE] *Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

    • Here is the coordinates of the gunfight's location ,Tombstone,AZ

    • The picture of the newspaper where you can read a small part of the article about the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral ,

    " A Desperate Fight Between Officers of the
    Law and Cow-Boys - The Killed and
    Wounded - Failure of Lord & Williams .

    TOMBSTONE, A.T., October 26th. - This morning
    the City Marshal, V.W. Rarp, arrested a cow-boy
    named Ike Clanton,for disorderly conduct,and
    he was fined twenty-five dollars and disarmed in
    the Justices' Court. Clanton left, swearing ven-
    geance on the Sheriff and Marshal Earp and his
    brother Morgan who tried to induce Claxton to
    leave the town, but he refused to be pacified.
    About three o' clock P.M., the Earp brothers and
    J.H. Halliday met four cow-boys ,namely, the two
    Clanton brothers and the two McLowery brothers,
    when a lively fire commenced from the cow-boys
    against the three citizens. About thirty shots,
    were fired rapidly. When the smoke of battle [...] "


    Edited 9 times, last by °°Flaca°° ().

  • Quote

    Doc Holliday died of tuberculosis on 8th November, 1887.

    Here is a small part from Legends of America
    about the last days of Doc Holliday.

    "Holliday’s health continued to deteriorate. As a realist, Doc was not one to believe in miraculous cures, but hoping that the Yampah hot springs and sulfur vapors might improve his health, he headed for Glenwood Springs, Colorado in May, 1887. Registering at the fashionable Hotel Glenwood, he grew steadily worse, spending his last fifty-seven days in bed at the hotel and was delirious fourteen of them.

    Hotel Glenwood 1900

    On November 8, 1887, he awoke clear-eyed and asked for a glass of whiskey. It was given to him and he drank it down with enjoyment. Then, looking down at his bare feet he said, "This is funny", and died. He always figured he would be killed with his boots on.
    Doc Holliday had come West years before, knowing his days were numbered. He never believed that he would die in bed. He often said that his end would come from lead poisoning, at the end of a rope, a knife in his ribs, or that he might drink himself to death.
    His obituary, appearing in the Leadville Carbonate Chronicle on November 14, 1887, stated the following:
    "There is scarcely one in the country who had acquired a greater notoriety than Doc Holliday, who enjoyed the reputation of being one of the most fearless men on the frontier, and whose devotion to his friends in the climax of the fiercest ordeal was inextinguishable. It was this, more than any other faculty that secured for him the reverence of a large circle who were prepared on the shortest notice to rally to his relief.”
    The Glenwood Springs cemetery sits high upon a steep hill overlooking the valley below. But at the time of his death, the steep road was too icy so they buried him at the bottom of the hill with the intention of moving his body when the ice thawed. But, they never did. Many years later, a housing development was built at the base of the hill and though a marker sits in the cemetery, his actual remains are probably buried in someone’s back yard.
    Doc Holliday claimed he almost lost his life a total of nine times. Four attempts were made to hang him and he was shot at five times.
    How many men Holliday killed is unknown."

    © Kathy Weiser/Legends of America, updated January, 2010.

    Compiled by Flaca


    Edited 3 times, last by °°Flaca°° ().