Has anyone actually asked him what he would like to do with it, and how they can help in achieving this goal, that if indeed he has one? At the moment it appears everyone is telling him what THEY want.
I think that's the key thing. Mr. Ebbitt indicated to me that he has been approached with offers to buy the property from him over the years, but he doesn't want to sell it. He's not interested in leasing the land. He absolutely wants to retain ownership, but he also absolutely loves the movie and what that property represents, and would very much like to see the cottage restored. He has carefully researched many aspects of accurate restoration, down to the quarry where the original stones came from. I believe he wants to be very involved in the process of restoration, though he is not in a position financially at this time to do it himself. I also think he does not want to be 'bulldozed' by others regarding HIS property.
I don't know how recent any contacts with him have been, but to read the current articles, you would think he is stonewalling everyone. I suspect the approaches to him may have been adversarial at this point and, like most of us, he doesn't care for that. Can't say I blame him!