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  • My parents never missed a John Wayne movie. I grew up with his films. I remember which film I saw in which theater. I remember falling asleep in the back seat of the car with my brothers at the Smithtown Indoor-Outdoor Drive-in on Long Island watching In Harm's Way and The Sons of Katie Elder. I believe those were the first John Wayne films I was exposed to. My parents would always stay to see them twice, often with a double-feature in the middle. I remember driving across the country on summer vacations and stopping off to see a newly released John Wayne film along the way. Once it was Helldrivers, in Texas. Another time it was The Undefeated, in Ohio. We saw Big Jake in Philadelphia after touring the courthouse with the Liberty Bell. In 1968 we visited Old Tucson Studio for the first time and saw all the places there associated with his films, including his saddle collection. We must have seen True Grit about twenty times when it was new. Later we went back to Arizona and were at Old Tucson when Rio Lobo was being filmed in the early mornings. That place would later become important in my life. The Cowboys was another favorite. I've seen every one of his films more times than I can count. I always stop The Cowboys after he beats up Bruce Dern. That's the end of the film so far as I'm concerned. I haven't watched the real ending since 1972. The Train Robbers became one of my favorites. It's lean and tight and I like its austerity. I used to go to repertory theaters a lot, and would never miss an opportunity to see a John Wayne film or double-feature projected. One of the great pleasures of my movie-going life was watching the screenings of Hondo 3-D at the Academy and at the DGA and speaking briefly with Gretchen about her plans for a theatrical re-release in 3-D, which never came to pass, unfortunately.

    Anyhow, I'm not knowledgeable about trivia or biography like most of you, but I know all of John Wayne's films. Especially the westerns. A John Wayne western is a feel-good experience and a confidence-booster. I also study westerns in general.

    So I'll be hanging out here from time to time.

    Richard W.
    (my real name)


    Edited once, last by Richard--W ().

  • Hi Richard

    WELCOME to The JWMB-
    The Original John Wayne Message Board
    where fans come to have fun!

    Please take a look around,
    we're a friendly bunch of folks,
    and there is a wealth of information to see,
    regarding the great man.

    You may find these links useful:-

    John Wayne:- A Newbies Guide to Duke

    Link to Duke's Movies, Co-Stars- Pals Of The Saddle and Movie Locations

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Welcome to the board, Richard. Now that you found us, make yourself at home. Not all of us are good at the trivia, but we all are good at loving Duke and his movies.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "