Hammer got a supporting actor nomination from SAG for J. Edgar. He was good as Clyde Tolson.

The Lone Ranger (2013)
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If they want to make the film, that's fine. Will I watch it? No. The Lone Ranger is, and will always be Clayton Moore. Period. I didn't watch the last remake with the Spillsbury guy, and I won't watch this one. Hollywood will just screw it up anyway.
If they want to make the film, that's fine. Will I watch it? No. The Lone Ranger is, and will always be Clayton Moore. Period. I didn't watch the last remake with the Spillsbury guy, and I won't watch this one. Hollywood will just screw it up anyway.
Im with you Bob, Clayton Moore IS the Lone Ranger and I aint watching any reincarnation of the character. I still have not and most likely will not-watch the remake of True Grit. Nobody can do one of Duke's characters as far as im concerned.
Johnny Depp's 'Lone Ranger' starts shooting in New Mexico
(SIGH) Im not a Depp fan either but-ill give him this-at least he can act.
Check out this first picture from the Lone Ranger movie with Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger.
I think Depp looks really cool as Tonto. Hammer look a little to dapper as The Masked Man.
YUK!!!!! Figures Depp would "freakify" Tonto. I AINT watching it.
YUK!!!!! Figures Depp would "freakify" Tonto. I AINT watching it.
I can't express my disappointment eloquently, but I was hoping for a dignified Tonto.
I can't express my disappointment eloquently, but I was hoping for a dignified Tonto.
Ditto on that. I was hoping for a more "Tarditional" Tonto-not somehting that looks like he will kill you, rip open your chest, cut out your still beating heart and eat it. Im greatly irritated over their choice for Tonto. >:-((
Looks like his mascara is running, but I'll be open minded until I know more about this one, Kemo Sabe.
We deal in lead, friend.
Looks like his mascara is running, but I'll be open minded until I know more about this one, Kemo Sabe.
We deal in lead, friend.
I cant keep positive on this one. Where's Jay Silverheels when you need him?
I guess we should wait to see the movie. Remember all our comments about the remake of True Grit. As it turned out, wasn't a half bad rendition.
I will wait and see, it surely can't be as bad as
Cowboys & Aliens!, or can it? -
Maybe I'm too stuck in the 50's, but I don't like the look. Maybe it is more traditional, but I like Jay Silverheels look much better.
I guess we should wait to see the movie. Remember all our comments about the remake of True Grit. As it turned out, wasn't a half bad rendition.
I should but, somehow, I just cant. To me this is like when they remade Inglorious Bas--ds. I always said that you cant make an Eagle out of a Turkey. As for True Grit-not that I have anything against Bridges--I this is another one of those: "I just Cants" if you know what I mean? ;-))
I will wait and see, it surely can't be as bad as
Cowboys & Aliens!, or can it?I dunno, I never saw Cowboys and Aliens. ;-))