Maureen O'Hara- Biography & Discussion

There are 251 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 298,805 times. The latest Post () was by may2.

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  • Mary Kate is back in Cong & what a wonderful welcome she got from everyone!

    With kind permission of Johanna Ní Mháille

    Here is a photo of me with John Wayne's daughter Marissa Wayne & his granddaughter Laura Munoz-Bottini taken in Cong yesterday evening.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • :omg:

    What a success to see Maureen and the lovely family of the Duke.
    Some people are lucky to live near Cong ...
    Alas, for me! Perhaps during a long trip?


    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

  • Interesting on re-reading "Tis Herself" that Maureen missed out on Friendly Persuasion because of Ford and The King & I because Rodgers & Hammerstein didn't want her. Would have been two interesting roles to see her in those movies.

  • here is brand new piece from

    The Irish Examiner

    Cast of The Quiet Man to reunite
    By Louise Roseingrave
    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2011

    A REUNION of the original cast of The Quiet Man takes place next month
    with the arrival of John Wayne’s family in Ireland.

    Screen legend Maureen O’Hara will welcome her Quiet Man co-star Patrick Wayne, 72, the son of John Wayne, to Glengarriff to collect a prestigious award on his father’s behalf.

    The Hollywood star’s daughter Aissa and granddaughter Jennifer are due to fly to Ireland to receive the Maureen O’Hara Foundation Legacy & Excellence Award alongside Patrick on behalf of their father.

    Patrick featured in the 1952 movie as a child and the awards event will be the first time in many years that the two cast members will be in Ireland together.

    Maureen O'Hara Excellency Awards

    About 300 guests are expected to attend the presentation ceremony, which takes place at the Maritime Hotel in Bantry on October 1.

    Highlights of John Wayne’s acting career will be presented in a photo montage before his family members are presented with the award on his behalf.

    "This is a major coup, it’s the first time in many years that two members of the original cast, Maureen and Patrick will be in Ireland at the same time," Frank McCarthy, chief executive of the Maureen O’Hara Foundation said.

    Wayne’s family will spend one week in Ireland, taking in Dublin, West Cork and Ashford and Cong in Co Mayo during their trip.

    Read more:-
    The Irish Examiner

    I will eventually copy this thread to the dedicated Sons Of The Saddle- Patrick Wayne

  • Hi Romy - I am hoping we can again be friends.

    I heard yesterday that Patrick Wayne was ill, but as far as I know Aissa and her daughter Jennifer will still be there. In fact it should be getting under way as I type this.

    I will be receiving lots of photos from lots of different sources and I will definitely share them with you all. I am also hoping you have a link to some of your great video montages on Maureen. They were the best and the most professional I have ever seen on the Internet.

    June Beck

  • :wink_smile:

    Bonjour madame,

    I knew that one day you'll come across one of my posts published in this excellent site that allows me to have the latest news from Maureen ...

    Of cours, I forgot our different.

    I am saddened to learn of the health of Patrick Wayne.

    I hope you will share lots of pictures.
    About my "work" you will find the links in the section dedicated to Maureen, also in this site.

    I lost your email address if you could provide me with personal message. Thank.

    Unconditional's Maureen O'Hara !
    French-English translation: poor !!!

  • June thanks for the update,
    I am also sorry to hear the news regarding Patrick.
    I will extend an official welcome to you
    in our dedicated thread,
    I realise you have posted here before
    as we said hello sometime ago!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thank heavens for Mike Ward! He also supplied photos to me. I did a newsletter, put a couple up on the Maureen O'Hara Facebook official page, as well as the website. It was a very successful evening in Bantry. Do so wish I could have been there. Have corresponded with both Aissa Wayne and her daughter, Jennifer. They are such nice people! I'll contact Brian Downs later in the week when he returns to Iowa (the John Wayne Birthplace Museum curator). He also attended the event.

    Oh yes, Romy and whomever wants to contact me my address is [email protected]

  • John Wayne's daughter and John Wayne Birthplace board member Aissa Wayne visits with Maureen O'Hara at the Maureen O'Hara Foundation Annual Tribute and Awards ceremony in County Cork, Ireland on October 1, 2011. John Wayne Birthplace President Joe Zuckschwerdt and Executive Director Brian Downes accompanied Aissa to the event. John Wayne was this year's recipient of the Legacy and Excellence Award.

    The 2012 John Wayne Birthday Celebration in Winterset, Iowa is Friday, May 25th and Saturday, May 26th. Theme is The Quiet Man—this will be the 60th anniversary of this beloved film. Watch the Birthplace site for more information as it becomes available.