Draw!(1984) (TV Movie)

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  • DRAW!
    (TV Movie)



    Plot Summary
    In the dying days of the Old West, ex-outlaw Handsome Harry Holland is released from prison an old man. Barely recognizable, he heads to Bell City where he only interests children amazed at his gun handling skills. Holland goes for a drink at the saloon where four men are playing cards. One of them , Reggie Bell, is the no good son of the town boss. Reggie is cheating at poker as usual but no one dares speak. Holland joins the game and wins all of Reggie's money who gives an IOU to Holland. Holland tries to cash the IOU at the bank but the corrupt sheriff orders him out of town, at Reggie's orders. Undeterred, Holland forces the bank teller to honor Reggie's IOU but the sheriff prevents him from leaving town with the money. The sheriff draws on Holland who kills him in self-defense. Wounded by the deputies, Holland runs in the local hotel. A stand-off ensues, with Holland stuck in the hotel and the deputies unable to get him. Holland refuses to surrender to a fair trial. In his room, ...
    Written by nufs68

    Kirk Douglas ... Harry H. Holland aka Handsome Harry Holland
    James Coburn ... Sam Starret
    Alexandra Bastedo ... Bess, Harry's Girlfriend in Bell City / member of acting troupe
    Graham Jarvis ... Deputy Wally Blodgett
    Derek McGrath ... Reggie Bell
    Jason Michas ... Moses, young town boy
    Len Birman ...Ephraim
    Maurice Brand ... Mr. Gibson
    Graham McPherson ... Eugene Lippert, Editor Bell City Gazette
    Vladimír Valenta ... Mordecai Hurwitz, General Store
    Linda Sorensen ... Teresa
    Gerard Parkes ... Circuit Judge Fawcett
    Richard Donat ... Sheriff Harmon
    Frank Adamson ... Lenny, Bartender Bell's Saloon
    Stuart Gillard ... Doctor West
    Miles Vasey ... Charlie Tucker
    James Defelice ... Farmers Bank Manager (as James DeFelice)
    James Forsythe ... Farmers Bank Teller
    Sherrill DeMarco ... Sadie
    Larry Musser ... Townsman
    Bonar Bain ... Poker Player
    Wilf Rowe ... Poker Player
    Bryan Fustukian ... Poker Player
    Frank C. Turner ... Poker Player
    Brian George ... Bandido
    Victor Bain ... Bandido
    Joan Hurley ... Acting Troupe
    Alan Stebbings ... Acting Troupe
    Vincent Gale ... Acting Troupe
    Steve Atkinson ... Carpenter
    Bob Supeene ... Jose
    Charlie Turner ... Smithy
    Tom Dasko ... Reggies Tough
    Wedge McWhorter ... Reggies Tough
    Miguel Neri ... Mariachi Band
    Romeo Ochoa ... Mariachi Band
    Broderick Olson ... Mariachi Band

    Steven Hilliard Stern

    Writing Credits
    Stanley Mann

    Ronald I. Cohen ... producer
    Harold Greenberg ... executive producer
    Stuart B. Rekant ... executive producer

    Kenneth Wannberg

    Laszlo George

    James Coburn took over from an ailing Burt Lancaster

    Character error
    When Bess is performing Shakespeare for Harry, she indicates that the scene is from "Macbeth". It's actually from "The Winter's Tale".

    In the beginning of the movie, Handsome Harry shoots a hole in his hat to give the kid a scare. He comments that it is his only hat. In the rest of the movie, that same hat does not have a hole in it.

    Factual errors
    When Bess and Harry are playing poker in the hotel room, Bess is holding 6 cards in her hand, not 5.
    Then she puts her cards down and says, "Full house!"

    Memorable Quotes

    Filming Locations
    Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
    Fort Edmonton Park - Fox Drive and Whitemud Drive, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Watch the Movie



    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Draw! is a 1984 American/Canadian comedy-western film by Steven Hilliard Stern.
    It stars Kirk Douglas, James Coburn and Alexandra Bastedo.

    Linda Sorenson won a Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
    Nominated for Genie Awards for Best Achievement in Art Direction, Best Achievement in Cinematography,
    Best Achievement in Overall Sound, Best Achievement in Sound Editing

    User Review

    An Enjoyable Western-Comedy
    Author: Uriah43 from Amarillo, Texas
    4 January 2013

    Quote from URIAH

    Kirk Douglas plays an old outlaw named "Harry Hollande" who has seen better days and just wants to be left alone. When he drifts into a town named Bell City and wins some money at a poker game things turn south for him very quickly. He finds himself forced into a gunfight and kills the sheriff in self-defense. Being wounded himself and knowing he will not get a fair trial, he then decides to take an attractive woman named "Bess" (Alexandra Bastedo) hostage in her hotel room in order gain time to plan his escape. Fearing his fast draw the deputy rides a short distance to Mexico and retrieves a famous ex-sheriff named "Sam Starret" (James Coburn). Unknown to everybody else, Sam Starret is a complete alcoholic who can barely stand up on his own. At any rate, rather than spoil what is essentially a good comedy I will refrain from discussing what happens next. I would like to say however that James Coburn puts on a really great performance and in my opinion steals the show. Other decent performances were done by Kirk Douglas and Alexandra Bastedo. On the minus side though was the showing of the naked buttocks of Kirk Douglas which was totally unnecessary for this film along with some of the crude language used. While I certainly wasn't offended by any of it I just didn't think it was necessary or essential. Be that as it may, this was an enjoyable western-comedy and I think most people will probably get a few laughs at the very least.

    Best Wishes
    London- England