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There are 1,696 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 654,860 times. The latest Post () was by FanoftheDuke67.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Jay J. Foraker@Mar 7 2006, 12:15 PM
    Hi Dexter and Fayso1332 - May I extend a hearty welcome to the JWMB to you both. I've been here for almost a year and a half and have had a lot of fun as well as gaining more info on the Duke (and other related topics). Hope you stick around and help make this active board even more lively.
    Cheers - Jay :D


    Thanks for the hearty welcome, Jay. I have thoroughly enjoyed my visits here thus far & can't wait to participate !!!

  • Hi Dexter Woodruff,

    It's great that you're joining in with us all,
    if you pop over to the Real Seniors thread,
    you'll see where we all fit in to the rich tapestry,

    Click on the link below, it'll take you there,
    but watch out for our girl members,
    man they sure are hot!!!

    Real Senior Members

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hey Ethan,
    Thanks, I'll check it out. Let me clear up a misconception... I use "Dexter Woodruff" because that's the name of my two favorite lakes where I LOVE to fish at Astor, FL, but I am female. I've used that handle for so long on the other 2 boards where I participate that I just transferred it over here & forgot to let ya'll know I'm not a male. Yes, I am a retired "female" Ga. State Patrol CPL who loves to fish & more importantly, loves John Wayne. Sorry, forgot the name is misleading...

    One of the other message boards on which I participate is in a neighboring county & I was introduced to it by a high school friend. After a few months, I had made some friends on the board & they knew I was female. Well, each month, the ladies on that forum gather at a local resturant for a "ladies night out" & one of my board friends insisted that I come to the gathering. When she introduced me to the other ladies, about half of the jaws in the room dropped. I don't want to drop any jaws over here. :o

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Dexter Woodruff@Mar 8 2006, 12:11 AM
    Hey Ethan,
    Thanks, I'll check it out. Let me clear up a misconception... I use "Dexter Woodruff" ....... Yes, I am a retired "female" Ga. State Patrol CPL who loves to fish & more importantly, loves John Wayne. Sorry, forgot the name is misleading...


    I sure am we glad we cleared that up, before anyone drops any clangers!!

    We have some wonderful lady members,
    Smokey, Baby Sis, Senta, Bek, Moonshine Sally

    and we're all great friends, so join the gang!!

    Best Wishes,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Quote

    Yes, I am a retired "female" Ga. State Patrol CPL

    Are you anywhere near Atlanta? The board admin is from the Atlanta area, Kevin is his name.

    Glad to have you on the board, when I go to Atlanta for work I will have a connection for getting me out of jail!!!! :lol: :lol: Just kidding!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Me too. Sorry. I've just been using DW for so long that I don't even pay any attention to it anymore. Ya'll do seem to get along great on this board & I'm glad I finally found you.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SXViper@Mar 7 2006, 11:07 PM
    Are you anywhere near Atlanta? The board admin is from the Atlanta area, Kevin is his name.

    Glad to have you on the board, when I go to Atlanta for work I will have a connection for getting me out of jail!!!! :lol: :lol: Just kidding!!!


    Hey SXViper! No, thank goodness, I'm not any where near Atlanta! In fact, I'm about as far south in GA as one can get. The little part of GA that sticks down into FL is where I'm located. (Right in the heart of the Okefenokee Swamp.) I'm 4 miles from the GA/FL line & about 45 minutes north of Jacksonville, FL. I never worked in Atlanta except for the assorted special details. I was assigned to Waycross, Brunswick, & for the final 12 years of my career, Jekyll Island (or "Mayberry By The Sea", as we called it). I have always lived in Folkston though, so what's left of my connections are all in south, south, way south GA. Sorry...heehee...

  • Hi Dexter


    I hope you enjoy your time here with
    the best people from around the world.

    Best wishes.



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi Fayso 1332

    Just like to add my


    And hope you have fun on the
    best John Wayne Board around.

    Best wishes



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • hello all, i have been coming to this site for a couple of years, but i just now registered. i am 45 y.o. and am a life long duke fan. i remember my dad taking me to TRUE GRIT and HELLFIGHTERS. i am originally from s.e. missouri, but i have now lived in n.w. arkansas for 16 years. i am proud to be a member of such a great site....sparky

  • Quote

    Originally posted by sparky@Mar 30 2006, 06:42 AM
    hello all, i have been coming to this site for a couple of years, but i just now registered. i am 45 y.o. and am a life long duke fan. i remember my dad taking me to TRUE GRIT and HELLFIGHTERS. i am originally from s.e. missouri, but i have now lived in n.w. arkansas for 16 years. i am proud to be a member of such a great site....sparky


    Hi Sparky,
    Welcome to the Board. Being here for a couple of years you know that it is one of the best places in Internet.

  • Great to have you aboard, Sparky - Welcome to the JWMB. If you have been around for a couple of years, you're actually the old guy and I'm the novice. You know by now what a fun and informative place this is, so stick around and don't be a stranger.
    Cheers - Jay :D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Quote

    Originally posted by sparky@Mar 29 2006, 07:42 PM
    hello all, i have been coming to this site for a couple of years, but i just now registered. i am 45 y.o. and am a life long duke fan. i remember my dad taking me to TRUE GRIT and HELLFIGHTERS. i am originally from s.e. missouri, but i have now lived in n.w. arkansas for 16 years. i am proud to be a member of such a great site....sparky



    We would like to join in welcoming you to the John Wayne Message Board! We are glad you finally made the plunge and registered and joined us "officially". If you've been around for a couple of years, you pretty much know the ropes and the players around here. We hope you will become one of our regulars.

    We look forward to getting to know you better in the days and weeks to come!

    Chester :newyear: and the Mrs. :angel1:

  • Well it me long enough but I finally made my mark. I have read along some when I get the chance looked like fun.

    I can't rite reedin and I can't reed ritin so well but I'll try so if you wont laugh I wont.

    This is the first time I've been on one of these boards so be gentle with me when I mess up.

    "Republic. I like the sound of that word"

    Davy Crockett, The Alamo

  • Hey Panhandle, welcome to the board. Don't worry about the spelling. You will fit in just fine. Look forward to chatting with you. You have found the best place to discuss Duke and its the friendliest place on the net as well. Again Welcome!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Hi Panhandle, glad to have another Texan here and have enjoyed your postings. As fer not spelling too well--heck--just look at the vast majority of MY postings. :):D

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..