New Guy Here, Getting Feet Wet

There are 7 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 3,420 times. The latest Post () was by JDeal.

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  • Well it's been awhile to getting on here. But today I'm getting my feet wet. For sometime now I've been following this forum and I have to say this is the biggest and most informative John Wayne site I seen so far. I congratulate you all.
    For some time now I'm a John Wayne fan. Been one sense I can recall Which I belive was about 10 or 11 yrs old. The person I would like to thank for that is my grandpa. He to, is a big fan of the Duke. Each time the Duke was on tv we'd sit down and watch him in action. Growing up though and soon going through Jr. High and High School. I lost that fandom alittle bit. That was until in applied art in High School that we were to pick a portait of some one and put it on scratch board. Well I pick John Wayne of course and I did very well. I received an A for it. When I got the picture back. I sent it off to my grandparents and to this day, they still have it. Ever sense then, still a John Wayne fan and still going strong.
    Now I'm 25 and have 2 kids. Each time I go to visit my Grandparents and if the Duke happens to be on tv. My grandpa and I would sit down and watch him action.

    Also for chilibill,If you see this I'd be glad to know some more info about the teacher from Omaha doing the contest for the John Wayne museum.

  • Welcome JDeal to the John Wayne Message Board. You will find a lot of information (as well as speculation) about the Duke. Everyone here is friendly and several are very knowledgeable about things regarding JW as well as a lot of off-topic subjects. So stick around and enjoy!
    Cheers - Jay :D:D:D

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Welcome JDeal to the forum. Its nice to see a fellow midwesterner joining in on the forum. Speak your mind and enjoy all the site has to offer.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Well thank you for welcoming me aboard. I 'll be looking forward to talking with you all.

  • JDeal,

    Let me add my John Wayne welcome to this great message board. We're glad to have you here. It's great that families come together in a common interest like John Wayne. He's the kind to have fathers and sons, and even grandfathers come in with a common interest, and share time with Duke.

    Hope to see more of you, and again welcome.

    Cheers B)


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • JDeal, Welcome Aboard, sorry that I did not see your note about the John Wayne Museum until just now. I have not heard anymore from the teacher, but I will try to dig up some more Info. for you. Chilibill :cowboy:

  • Sorry I haven't been here for a couple days. Thank you chilibill. I'll be looking forward with the info you come with. Thanks again.