Sands Of Iwo Jima (1949)

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    Don't know how true this is, but it sounds good and may have happened just this way.

    This was written on John Wayne’s 104th birthday. He was born on May 26, 1907 in Winterset, Iowa, as Marion Morrison, weighing 13 pounds. His birthplace is a museum. There is a guest book, opened to a page with the entry, in the entrant’s handwriting, Name: Ronald Reagan. Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC.

    To celebrate the birthday of a truly great American, let me tell you how John Wayne saved the Marine Corps. In the aftermath of World War II, the psychological letdown after years of war and bloodshed, the huge demobilization of servicemen, the desire to slash military spending, and the antipathy towards the military by left-wingers in the Democrat Party all combined in a call by a number of Senators and Congressmen to abolish the Marine Corps.

    In this, they were supported by the Doolittle Board, created by Harry Truman, which called for the Marine Corps to be “disbanded” as a separate military force, and “unified” with the Army (yes, the board was headed by an Air Force general, Jimmy Doolittle).

    A group of enterprising Marines – you can always depend on Marines to be enterprising – with Hollywood connections, thought a movie made around the most famous photograph of World War II, Joe Rosenthal’s of the Marines raising the flag on Mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima, could help sway public opinion against their disbandment.

    They approached legendary director Allan Dwan, who agreed to commission a script. The movie was to be called “The Sands of Iwo Jima,” and everybody agreed there was only one man who could play the lead role of Sergeant Stryker: John Wayne.

    To their great surprise, Wayne turned it down. He didn’t like the script, and he wasn’t enamored of the character of Stryker. The Marines came to the rescue again. The Marine Corps Commandant, General Clifton B. Cates, got on an airplane and flew from Washington to California to personally request Wayne make the picture. When General Cates explained the stakes involved – the very existence of the Marine Corps – Wayne immediately changed his mind, promising the general he would do everything in his power to have the movie be a success.

    The Sands of Iwo Jima was released in 1949 and quickly became a runaway blockbuster, with millions of moviegoers packing every theatre showing it. Wayne was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar, establishing him as Hollywood’s Number One box-office star. The Doolittle Board folded its tent, and no politician on Capitol Hill ever again said a word about disbanding the Marines.

    So let’s all say “Semper Fi” to the memory of John Wayne.

  • Thanks again Keith. Watched it again. Two dead hero Dukes in one night....a bit much. But it was excellent. Even without the Troupe, you really got to know a lot of the guys......characters were developed very well, I thought.
    I always liked Forrest Tucker in dramas....I am not really into straight comedies. But, once, he finished a flick, (could have been The Wild McCullochs?), and met us all down in Puerto Rico for a fundraiser golf tournament already begun. So, since he was a friend of Gibbons, he followed Gibbons on the course and then he joined us for cocktails and our large table for dinner. He tried to get into the casino the first night with a Plantation shirt on. The "guards" wouldn't let him in. He was furious and let everyone know that his shirt cost more than all the suits the guards were wearing. But, he finally ended up going to his room, putting on a sport coat and tie, LOL. I was excited to be touring Old San Juan down the mountain with friends the day after the tournament. But Forrest insisted that we stay and play golf with him. Well, I had played that course for 6 days, and I wanted to go with the guys. But Gibbons, being the golf fanatic he was overruled me. I ruined the whole day by playing from the same tees as Forrest. I beat him on the front and also out drove him a few times, (I weighed 112 pounds and he was 6'4"). That did it. On the back he began berating me for calling Harold Gibbons by his last name. He said it was disrespectful. I told him all his FRIENDS called him that. Gibbons just laughed and said, "Forrest, when you and I move in together, and Keith moves out, I will make Keith call me Harold. Until then, knock it off, will ya?" Well, he beat me on the back nine, but I beat him on the 18 holes. Most importantly, for those of you who know golf, I beat him on all the presses, close to the holes and birdies.....quite a large sum of money, LOL! So, I have not cared for Forrest for a long time. But after watching IWO JIMA a few times, and thinking of other movies that I thought he had won my heart in, I just can't help but like him. So, a long delayed feud is finally over. Wonder if he knows? Hope so. KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Just a heads up if anyone is interested. The score to Sands of Iwo Jima has been remastered and released on Limited edition CD. Doubled up with my favourite Island in the Sky!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Here's the cd track listing. It looks like its already sold out!

    SANDS OF IWO JIMA (Victor Young) 1. Main Title 0:59 2. Sweet Memories 0:38 3. At the Dancing Club 1:20 4. Private First Class Peter in Love 2:17 5. Training Camp Music 1:06 6. First Mission on the Front 1:40 7. The Battle of Tarawa Island 4:45 8. Dead Soldiers Tribute 2:22 9. Mary and her Baby 2:56 10. The War Goes On 1:30 11. The Assault on Iwo Jima 4:30 12. The Trenches 1:37 13. Cries in the Night 2:13 14. Mount Suribachi Victory 3:52 15. Marines’ March Reprise 1:48

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Finally got round to listening to the new CD release of Sands of Iwo Jima.
    Unfortunately the source material seems to be from the film and it is quite poor.
    Obviously in mono and very flat. Shame but not anything they could do more with the original material.
    It'd be great to have a re-recording similar to the fantastic 3 disc Alamo release.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Sorry Peter, I know you were looking forward to it. KP

    Finally got round to listening to the new CD release of Sands of Iwo Jima.
    Unfortunately the source material seems to be from the film and it is quite poor.
    Obviously in mono and very flat. Shame but not anything they could do more with the original material.
    It'd be great to have a re-recording similar to the fantastic 3 disc Alamo release.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • O.K., I see, I don´t have to buy this CD. I was looking forward to it too...

    A few days ago I bought the complete and remastered soundtrack of "Hatari". This is a great CD, You should listen!

    "Never apologize. It´s a sign of weakness."

  • A bunch of us have and agree wholeheartedly with you. It usually sells out rapidly STILL. I play it as background to post music, LOL! Glad you liked it Dukesfan. Do you think you could do me a big favor and put that in the Group Watch. You might look back over it....some good screen catches in it although you might have to go back a few pages. Still have half a month on Hatari. Haven't got to the good stuff really yet. And there are sketch prizes. If you win something and you don't see a sketch you would like, send me the one you want.

    HAGO, Keith (or Lady Hawk as Gorch and Dooley have dubbed me, LOL)

    Might check out the sketch page....I MAY have found something in the end of THE SHOOTIST that no one has ever seen. OR NOT, LOL!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • O.K., I see, I don´t have to buy this CD. I was looking forward to it too...

    A few days ago I bought the complete and remastered soundtrack of "Hatari". This is a great CD, You should listen!

    I have it and agree wholeheartedly. :wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I have this image even if this one aint mine. Great shot of Duke wearing real HBT (Herring Bone Twill) uniform, camo helmet cover and beautiful M-1 Garand.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • I have some original 10 x 8 negatives of Duke stills, I must get them printed, they don't look quite as good as they are, lol!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I have some original 10 x 8 negatives of Duke stills, I must get them printed, they don't look quite as good as they are, lol!

    Ive seen a few color negs for sale recently and all were Duke and William Holden--not from any movie they were with but all were Westerns. I tried getting them but they were already sold even if the site they were on didnt have them marked as such. Same goes for Color Transparencies--many with Duke and Holden for sale--all always gone before i get to them.

    I also have several film cells for: A Bridge Too Far and also from Cross of Iron. I had 4 from Cross of Iron made into a picture but the images came out pink. Anyway, ill post those once Keith gets the CDs i mailed and fixed ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..