The Horse Soldiers (1959)

There are 229 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 223,820 times. The latest Post () was by MichaelHarrison.

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  • You Old Hands already know this but for those who haven't seen it

    This is a limited edition print done by renowned Civil War (and American history) artist Don Stivers. You can match it to one of the photos earlier in the thread. I understand that this is the only time in Stiver's profligate career that he released a print based on a movie. Most of his work was done based on historical events with the occasional romanticized portarit of an individual with no name who symbolized a type of character. Commander/First Sergeant/Bugler/Soldier departing or returning home, etc.

    It shows the impact of the Duke that such an artist of Stivers reputation would immortalize a movie. The name of the print is "Wait at Vicksburg" and they show up on E-bay occassionally and might still be found in an art stores stocks though I haven't seen one lately. There's a framed one on E-bay now for $400

  • Maybe some of yall can help me figure this out. Only thing I can think of is that Fred Kennedy may have already had his fatal fall, and Duke was worried when Chuck Hayward did his fall.
    Just before Colonel Marlowe got shot, he was standing outside the cabin with the Doc. After hearing gunfire, the scouts were coming back over the bridge....I still don't know what Marlowe yelled at them. Anyway, Good Chuck, the last rider begins his fall just coming off the bridge. I didn't see anything unusual about it, but I am not an expert on falls. Looked as if he landed fine. But as Marlowe and the Doc were watching before they went to get the fallen soldier, all of a sudden Duke's eyes and face took on a most horrified look....not just that of seeing a wounded man fall....more like seeing a close friend massacred or something of the sort. Kind of like the look he had when he realized the planes hadn't seen them in Island in the Sky. It was NOT a normal Duke response. Did anyone notice it? Anyone know why? If not, will someone well versed in this movie check it out? I am most curious about it. It is one of my favorites. Oh, a Dee X commented that "Watched this last night, you know you are a fan when you sing along to the song " I Left My Love " !!!!I knew I was a fan when I started singing it as Dunker did right before he was told his leg would have to come off. Good thing I live alone and not too close to neighbors! Thanks for any help, KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Thanks for the great pics Ringo Kid. I still don't know why Duke has that look on his before this. If anyone knows, kindly pass it on. Thanks KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • In my opinion Constance Towers is mis-cast and lets the side down with her performance, although she does deliver the funniest line in the film: " Care for some more leg or breast? as she leans over the table with the lowest cut top. The Duke replies "No thank you mam, I've had quite enough".

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • [quote='BatjacAuburn','']You Old Hands already know this but for those who haven't seen it

    This is a limited edition print done by renowned Civil War (and American history) artist Don Stivers. You can match it to one of the photos earlier in the thread. I understand that this is the only time in Stiver's profligate career that he released a print based on a movie. Most of his work was done based on historical events with the occasional romanticized portarit of an individual with no name who symbolized a type of character. Commander/First Sergeant/Bugler/Soldier departing or returning home, etc./QUOTE]

    thanks for posting, I'd never seen his work before, it's amazing.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • At the same time after she offers him more chicken, she puts her hand on his and he pulls his away and looks around to see if anyone else saw. I guess NOBODY saw that crazy look on his face that I referred to a few posts back. was SO out of character, I can't imagine why he did it! I can't believe it got left in the picture! KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • At the same time after she offers him more chicken, she puts her hand on his and he pulls his away and looks around to see if anyone else saw. I guess NOBODY saw that crazy look on his face that I referred to a few posts back. was SO out of character, I can't imagine why he did it! I can't believe it got left in the picture! KPKEITH

    You've def got a thing about this look! :wink_smile:
    I'm going to have to put it on again just to catch it!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • OH GOOD. Yes, this has bothered me considerably. I figured if I kept mentioning it, somebody knowlegable would finally check it for me. Should have known it would be you Peter, as I mentioned that the out of character expression was similar to the ones of Island in the Sky! Beside, you are just a good, nice fellah to help to ease this old Lady's mind!

    It is after they are settling in at the bridge and the scouts sent across it come galloping back as gunfire is beginning to break out and soldiers are diving for cover in a ditch. (I may be a little off there, but I have already sent it back and cannot check) can't miss it though. Colonel Marlowe and Doc are standing together. The last of the scouts, actually Good Chuck does a horse fall just off the bridge....looked OK to me. Marlow and Doc look and then Marlowe gets this terrified look on his face and he and Doc go to get the fallen soldier, now an older partially bald man, and bring him in to the safety of the cabin. The only POSSIBLE explanation I can think of is that Fred Kennedy had already performed his fatal horse fall, and Duke was worried about Chuck. Just doesn't seem to "fit my pistol" though. So, you see what YOU think Peter. Thanks SO MUCH, KPKEITH

    You've def got a thing about this look! :wink_smile:
    I'm going to have to put it on again just to catch it!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I am sure we get around to looking at this scene.
    However I take the point that it could have well
    captured the moment of that fatal fall.


    John Ford suspended location filming in Louisiana
    after Fred Kennedy was killed performing a riding stunt.
    The film was later completed in California.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • That has been what has bothered me I am afraid. If so, they, of course changed it around. But Duke and the DOC where standing by the cabin. I thought I saw the fatal fall across the bridge over where the rebel cannons were.......but, maybe that wasn't it. Thanks all, KPKEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • That has been what has bothered me I am afraid. If so, they, of course changed it around. But Duke and the DOC where standing by the cabin. I thought I saw the fatal fall across the bridge over where the rebel cannons were.......but, maybe that wasn't it. Thanks all, KPKEITH

    Agreed, I also remember thinking that the fall is visible in the film. A sad story.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Why Jim, Hunny, do you mean the one with the "breast or the leg" one?

    Watch it BUSTER, I have my eye on you while Sue is away, and I ain't no Constance Towers, I can assure you!

    SOMEBODY look at it....wish a LOT of you would! I've only asked about a million times! Wondering if DUKE really SAW the actual fatal accident of Fred Kennedy. I can think of NO other reason for that crazed look! Also can't understand why the producers didn't take it has no place in the movie scene! Make sure you frame by frame it.

    I posted my silly ol' answer for the Group Watch, Jim Hunny. Just in case you get a few hours to read it. Yes, afraid my verbosity just flittered away from me again, Dahlin'!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • SOMEBODY look at it....wish a LOT of you would! I've only asked about a million times! Make sure you frame by frame it!

    Hey KPKieth, I'm going to look now on my Blu ray copy just to keep you happy!
    I'll report back on here in a while!:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I was certain I had found was Fred's face 99% sure. But it doesn't go with what I have heard of the fall. The one I saw, right after the handsome gung ho Major gets shot and crawls under the wagon by the wheel, Fred begins his fall before he gets to the torch carrier, (with which to touch off the cannon ). He puts both arms around the man, (falling off the left of his horse), and he is still partially on his horse....believe the left foot is in the stirrup and the right up on the saddle. They both fall to stage left, the direction Fred's horse is traveling, and you see them almost hit the ground. This MUST have been one of Fred's other horse falls in the movie. However, I thought that Ford gave him the ONE ONLY as he was getting older because he said he needed money......hence Pappy's EXTRA problems over the fatal fall beside the fact that they had been good friends for many years. I tried to see the person behind him because he said he was right there, he started to fall, his horse shied from the fire, and he landed on his head. It was not in the scene. Hope some others will give this a frame by frame look and see why they think Duke looked like that....very scary. Thanks Peter, and I HOPE a bunch more of you. KPKEITH

    Agreed, I also remember thinking that the fall is visible in the film. A sad story.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Dang Peter, you make me sound as if I am a bother. Thought we were supposed to see things like this and pass them on to learn. Thanks anyway, handsome feller! KPKEITH

    Hey KPKieth, I'm going to look now on my Blu ray copy just to keep you happy!
    I'll report back on here in a while!:wink_smile:

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Dang Peter, you make me sound as if I am a bother. Thought we were supposed to see things like this and pass them on to learn. Thanks anyway, handsome feller! KPKEITH

    It's called friendly teasing over here in the UK.:wink_smile:
    I've watched the bridge crossing bit but not sure I see what you have described in your latest post?

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"