The Horse Soldiers (1959)

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  • Yep, and her kid ended up being spanked by Ken Curtis, LOL. Forgot all about the fight scene...great pics, Bill. Time to watch Horse Soldiers again! KEITH

    Duke's not in this one, but I like the scene

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Yes. That's the very beautiful Anna Lee, who co-starred with JW in "Flying Tigers"

    She was a favorite of Pappy Ford, appearing in many of his films. She was Mrs. Collingwood in Fort Apache.

    Yep, favorite of mine too. I wanted SO for her to go after her husband when she got the notice of his appointment to the Point. KEITH
    Dang she doesn't look like Mrs. Collingwood there! Sure nuff time to watch the Horse Soldiers again!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Oh Bill, I have NEVER seen some of these at all..........they are GREAT!
    How's your foot, OLD MAN, (I can call him that..we are the same age, LOL)?
    You amaze me more every day.

    Sure would like to see a pic on Ford Point, (think that was it........anyway it was large and flat), in The Searchers after Ethan has just taken at look at the Indian encampment and returned to the Reverend. They were very close to each other in a close up of their faces almost. Also, I think the huge close-up of Duke was just before that when he whistled. If you find them, send them on, LOL.

    Sometimes I hope your foot doesn't get well too soon.......not very nice of me, in fact downright SELFISH! Hope you are categorizing everything as you go and saving the pics offsite besides Photobucket and your computer.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Great shots, Gorch! I am pleased you are sharing them with a much appreciative group.


    Very true Mark. Man, that shot of Dunker is chilling knowing what was going through the character's mind! Just imagine! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE