Good job, Keith! Watching that frame by frame made the fight seem so much longer than it was. I totally agree that the use of stunt men in this scene was totally not needed. But Duke and Ward made it believable.
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Good job, Keith! Watching that frame by frame made the fight seem so much longer than it was. I totally agree that the use of stunt men in this scene was totally not needed. But Duke and Ward made it believable.
Well, haven't read your "story" yet, but will find it and read it.
This, actually is the end of the Watch on Tall in the Saddle. I have been nominated to choose the next film which will be a Duke non-western.
I am sure we would all like to see a bit of your posts on this film, but I know some of us are lazy. Wonder if you would consider copying and pasting some here?
Hmmm wonder how many posts you have made that I haven't seen...didn't look at your numbers. Seems as if you were only about 7 away from the World Record, LOL. Looks as if Keith may NOT make it first after all.
HAGO, Keith, the other one!
I had my day off today, so I took the chance to watch "Tall in the Saddle" on DVD. Everybody will agree, that this is not a great western, it is not "The Searchers" or "Red River", but it is GREAT fun to watch!
"Tall in the Saddle" was a fine western adventure, had good actors like Ward Bond, Gabby Hayes and Ella Raines and it had some good action (like the fight between Judge Garvey and the Duke) too. Compared to "Dakota", "In old California" and "War of the Wildcats" it is one of my favourite Duke´s western of the 40´s! I even like it more than "Flame of the Barbary Coast" and "Shepherd of the Hills" (that one is more what we call in German a "Heimatfilm" than a western). And in "Tall in the Saddle" the Duke got the right girl in the end! For me Arla was the right one for him from the very first moment on they met! Ella Raines and John Wayne - that worked! Audrey Long was not enough woman for a man like him...
It took me some time to join the group watch of "Tall in the Saddle", because life isn´t easy at the moment and I have a very ill family member, but today it worked and it was real fun to watch the movie for the first time on DVD (had seen it on VHS before). Postet my comments in the "Tall in the Saddle" thread.
What JW movie will be our group watch for October?
Well, Dukesfan, glad you got to post and that you liked the little movie. Did you get a chance to see the "Still" stunt fight scene I put up of friends Duke and Ward in their first fight? Too bad the director put in stuntmen as Ward and Duke would have done a better jobl But, all in all, it was a fun little fight....even if my Ward got beat to a frazzle, LOL! I will be putting up the next movie for the next month tonight or tomorrow. But, we won't start posting on it until this one is over on the 30th. Nice to have you join in, Keith
I watched the fight scene between Rocklyn and Judge Garvey in slow motion again, and then one could see, that it was done by stuntmen. But the fight looked great!
Thank you Larry for this addition
Thanks Larry, I appreciate it! Merci , mon ami! LOL! Keith
Thanks Larry. I told the folks on the Group Watch you had posted more of Tall in the Saddle. HAGO, KEITH
Sorry Robbie, I really want to help get participation in the GW and didn't stop to think of your problems. Please forgive my callousness. I hope things are going better for you now, and I DO know about perspective changes for sure. Actually, if I hadn't stumbled upon this List, don't know what would have been done by now!
Hope you can find time to read the posts and make one. If you watch my still fight scene, just put it on fast and skip the little bit of text....or just skip it all together. I built it mainly to show folks the difference between GOOD stunt fighters like Duke and Ward, and just normal ones..STILL can't figure out why they didn't just let Duke and Ward do ALL of them....they certainly had had enough practice while perfecting them along with Yakima!
Once again, please accept my apologies. Keith
Irish Duke let me be the one to choose the next film. I will be announcing it shortly. But, if you can find time, you still have until the 30th to post on this one. We always enjoy your thoughts as they, at times, bring out more of our own.
Hi All,
I hope the group discussions are going well, I hope to get involved at some point but at this moment in time I've ran into a few personal difficulties and this has taken a back seat; it's amazing how much you perspective can change.
Just watched the movie of the month, and enjoyed it a lot. I haven’t watched this one in a while. While it’s never been one of my favorites, I still think it’s a very good watch!
It was well written¸ had a few laughs, plenty of action, and Duke just being Duke!
Along with the fight between Rocklin and Judge Garvey, the final fight between Rocklin and George Clews wasn’t bad either; and unlike the Judge, ol’ George ain’t walking away from this one!
The only thing, when the old lady slapped Clara, I wanted Clara to haul off and deck her! Is that wrong?
Anyway, good movie and good choice. I enjoyed it once again.
In case you didn't notice, and I imagine a great many of you didn't as I really had to HUNT, this is the very first Movie that BEN JOHNSON appeared in with Duke and Ward, or so I am told by his "authority" Paula. So, since she can't make it, I am again posting for her on the GW, LOL! Here are some pics of the 26 year YOUNG OLD BEN! FOR PAULA!
Ben is on the top right on the first and the last going out on the second.
Welcome Paula, LOL, Keith....couldn't let it go without getting your BEN in there!
The lady in the second photo is Elizabeth Risdon.
Keith, feel free to use any screencaps at my Ben page. No black bars!
Looked like Fred Graham doubling Duke as he did a couple Republics before Jock Mahoney and Bad Chuck came along. Can't tell who is doubling Ward tho.
Looked like Fred Graham doubling Duke as he did a couple Republics before Jock Mahoney and Bad Chuck came along. Can't tell who is doubling Ward tho.
Henry Willls?
Well, there were three stuntmen credited: Fred Graham, Henry Wills, and Ben Johnson. We know Ward's double wasn't Ben, and if Fred is Duke's, then Hank must be Ward's. Haven't seen a picture of Hank older so, I can't be sure. Must be though. Guess all of you knew that Paul Fix, long time friend of Duke and Ward's wrote the screenplay. Multi-talented man he was. Duke gave him a lot of credit for helping him develop his acting style.
So, Keith must be on the money there. The Other Keith
Yep must be Willis for the most part doubling Ward. Those are great grabs!