The Barbarian And The Geisha (1958)

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  • If Wayne was still angry with the Japanese over World War II, why did he agree to star in the film?

  • Duke should have run far and fast from doing "The Barbarian and the Geisha". It's a mess of a film an a waste of his talents. The only reason I've read why he took the role was because he wanted to work with John Huston who he had heard much good about. It turned out they didn't get along...Huston seemed uninterested in the film when Duke wanted direction there was little. Allegedly Duke got so annoyed with Huston he punched him on set.

    Not that Duke didn't enjoy some drinking I read that Huston drank most of the time and was a lackadaisical director at best on the film. John Huston may have some great films to his credit through his career...this ain't one of them.

    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • Duke should have run far and fast from doing "The Barbarian and the Geisha". It's a mess of a film an a waste of his talents. The only reason I've read why he took the role was because he wanted to work with John Huston who he had heard much good about. It turned out they didn't get along...Huston seemed uninterested in the film when Duke wanted direction there was little. Allegedly Duke got so annoyed with Huston he punched him on set.

    Not that Duke didn't enjoy some drinking I read that Huston drank most of the time and was a lackadaisical director at best on the film. John Huston may have some great films to his credit through his career...this ain't one of them.

    The story about the fight has been debunked.

    Wayne was probably hoping the film would be like "Moulin Rouge".