Duke's Movie Discussions

There are 93 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 61,257 times. The latest Post () was by Rooster52.

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  • Hi Keith,
    Thank you for the great job you have done here. I decide not to read yet the topics about films that I ahven't seen yet, so I ahve much more reding for the future.
    To join other members that offer you drinks, I can add that if you come to St.Petersburg, you will go away with a bottle of vodka, if you like it of course. :D

  • Hi Chester, Mrs., Vera,
    These drinks are mighty tempting,
    perhaps if we all manage to meet up at MV,
    I'll have them then.

    A pint with Arthur, Tequila, with Jim and Sue,
    and Vodka, with Vera,
    God, this is sounding great!!!
    and me, being a whiskey man, who cares!!!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi,

    This weeks films are,

    Without Reservations (1946) Romantic/Misc.
    Haunted Gold (1932) Westerns

    Click on the links above, and
    please let's hear your comments on these Movies,


    Just a little footnote,
    although these movies may have been discussed in older threads,
    we must bear in mind, we now have a lot of new members,
    who may now wish to join in.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Update

    Hi, my friends and buddies,

    I have now gone back, through all the Movie Reviews,
    and Pals of the Saddle forums, and instead of providing links,
    I have now attached photo's etc., to the actual posts.
    Like this,


    They really enhance them all, and make interesting viewing,
    please take a look at a few,
    I am sure you will enjoy some of the old photos,and posters,

    Best Wishes,everyone,

  • Hi Chester, Mrs.

    From today, I have started adding, photos to the Gallery,
    and I will in time, go back through the previous,
    Reviews and 'Pals' and add a few more.


    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi Keith

    I would like to add my thanks along with
    everyone. You have put a lot of hard
    work and time into these reviews and
    Pals of The Saddle. If I had a hat I would
    take it off to you, so instead I say,

    Well done my friend

    Best wishes



    I'll try one of those black beers....THE QUIET MAN.

  • Hi Vera, Jim, and all,

    This time, I'm using a different criteria.
    Some movies, even recently,such as Hatari
    and They Were Expendable, have had considerable exposure.
    Indeed films like The Alamo, The Shootist etc
    have all had a fair share of discussion.

    I'll be going through the Movie's
    and selecting one's which have had minimum replies,
    and North to Alaska, is one of them.

    Hope that makes sense?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Senta+Oct 13 2006, 12:23 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Senta @ Oct 13 2006, 12:23 AM)</div>

    <!--QuoteBegin-ethanedwards@Oct 13 2006, 01:29 AM
    I'll be going through the Movie's and selecting one's which have had minimum replies, and North to Alaska, is one of them.

    Hope that makes sense?



    That sounds like a good way to do it, and yes, it does make sense. We look forward to upcoming discussions.

    Chester :newyear:

  • Hi Jim and Vera,

    Thanks for your support, and I think
    it's as good a way as any.

    We could do with more participation,
    so I'll keep bumping the weekly review,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Hi,


    Now that Duke's Movie Discussions,
    is now placed on the Board Index,
    If any member has any Duke movie questions, please ask,
    open a topic, and away we go!

    Any new topics, and questions, regarding Movies
    can be started here.
    When the questions have been answered
    the threads can later be moved into the dedicated Movie thread.
    I think this is the only way,
    we can keep new questions to the top,
    and at the same time, maintain, the continuity.

    Best Wishes
    London- England