Books on Duke

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  • I'm looking forward to reading this as well. And, there is another new one coming out next year called "John Wayne: The Genuine Article" by Michael Goldman. It is also authorized by Wayne Enterprises and Ethan Wayne wrote the preface for it. It is due to be released May 14, 2013. You can read more about here at Amazon:…ine-Article/dp/1608871169

    With the recent spate of crap books about John Wayne (either photocopied wikipedia pages, or the "let's tear down John Wayne" "deconstruction" books), it's nice to see some good books coming out about John Wayne.

    Ill look forward to this one--especially since it comes out 3 days after I turn 46.

    Oh and: Hi Bob--long time no see and hear ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Ill look forward to this one--especially since it comes out 3 days after I turn 46.

    Oh and: Hi Bob--long time no see and hear ;-))

    Howdy Carl!

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Howdy Carl!

    Hoping your Thanksgiving was the best and hoping your Christmas is even better. Mine will be since I have a "newly baked fresh from the oven--brand new Great Nephew" to look forward to seeing ;-))

    Oh and, I still have all my Sgt, Rocks, Sgt. Fury's and some G.I. Combats--ill look when possible and see if I have any extra copies of any? and if so? willl be glad to give them to you. Most of the ones i have arent in mint--I read and reread them many times. Havent looked at them in about 20 years.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Hoping your Thanksgiving was the best and hoping your Christmas is even better. Mine will be since I have a "newly baked fresh from the oven--brand new Great Nephew" to look forward to seeing ;-))

    Oh and, I still have all my Sgt, Rocks, Sgt. Fury's and some G.I. Combats--ill look when possible and see if I have any extra copies of any? and if so? willl be glad to give them to you. Most of the ones i have arent in mint--I read and reread them many times. Havent looked at them in about 20 years.

    Thanks Carl. I was a big Sgt. Rock fan back then. And I had a bunch of Big Little Books of the Lone Ranger and what not - all westerns. I don't know whatever happened to all of them, but I wish I had them all now! Those BLB's would be worth a small fortune!

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Martin Scorsese is an incredibly perceptive writer and thinker about film. I have not liked every movie he's made but some I have loved. I will always hold a warm place in my heart for him for his tireless work in promoting and restoring the films of Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, two of my favorite filmmakers. (I do not understand his obsession with Leonardo DiCaprio, who has the same effect on me as fingernails down a blackboard.)

    The films of John Ford and John Wayne the actor have been huge influences on Scorsese since he was a boy. The Searchers is on the list of Scorsese's top ten best American films, and the screenplay for Taxi Driver (written by Paul Schrader) was inspired in part by The Searchers. Wayne is on the cover of Scorsese's book A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies (a companion volume to a documentary).

    What exactly makes Scorsese anti-American? Specific examples or analysis please, not just "he's a liberal" or his movies are "violent."

  • Keith (Ethan Edwards): You may want to make a note regarding the "other" new book that is coming out in May 2013, titled "John Wayne: The Genuine Article." I made mention of it about two or three posts back. Info is available on Amazon.

    RE: Martin Scorcese (or however his name is spelled) - I don't know how "anti-American" he is (sorry Carl), as I have watched several interviews with him and I have seen several specials/documentary's featuring him, and I have never heard him say anything that I would consider "anti-American." Of course, this doesn't mean he is or isn't anti-American, it just means that I haven't heard him say anything that would lead me to think he is. I have heard him say that he has a great deal of respect for John Ford and John Wayne, and for that reason alone I haven't written him or his movies off. At least not entirely. I am not a huge fan of his films, but I have seen several of them. I just never thought they were all that great. Just my two cents here.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Keith (Ethan Edwards): You may want to make a note regarding the "other" new book that is coming out in May 2013, titled "John Wayne: The Genuine Article." I made mention of it about two or three posts back. Info is available on Amazon.

    Bob, thanks I did see it
    I have now included it

    JOHN WAYNE: John Wayne: The Genuine Article
    Michael Goldman (Author), Ethan Wayne (Preface), Jimmy Carter (Foreword) (Publication Date: May 14, 2013)

    John Wayne: The Genuine Article is a poignant photographic journey,
    celebrating the life of a cinematic legend. This intimate glimpse into the Duke’s personal and public lives,
    from filmmaking and the military to politics and life at home, showcases rare full-color family snapshots,
    iconic film stills, and unique memorabilia, including reproductions of letters, telegrams, and personal notes—
    all collected from and authorized by the John Wayne estate.
    Excerpts from Wayne’s private letters and his unfinished memoir reflect his personality,
    and interviews with close family and personal friends bring to life one of Hollywood’s greatest stars,
    appealing to fans of Hollywood and Americana alike.

    Capturing important milestones of this larger-than-life figure, the book covers
    his childhood and college years, his early days in Hollywood, the westerns, the war films,
    his support of the troops, his rise as a political figure, his relationships with John Ford
    and other Hollywood luminaries, and his personal interests and family life.
    From cowboy boots and saddles to handwritten letters and classic film stills,
    the illustrations tell the true story of the man behind the legend.
    Thanks to Colorado Bob, for finding this one

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().

  • New book coming out about The Searchers in February.

    Here is the link to its page on Amazon, you can read more about it there:…ican-Legend/dp/1608191052

    Also, an article by Glenn Frankel on visiting Monument Valley:

    (The e-mail address at the end is outdated; he is now dean of the School of Journalism at the University of Texas-Austin)

  • Thanks Paula.
    I was told of this book coming out, look forward to buying a copy.
    Hope you can make Winterset this year.
    This will be the last public appearance by Ms. O'Hara.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • I suppose all know about this except me, LOL, but I was MOST excited to find out about it. About time someone wrote about the three of them. It comes out in April.

    THREE BAD MEN: John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

    Needless to say, I just can't wait! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Not sure yet if I'll be able to get to Winterset this year but I'll know later on in the spring. :) I'd sure love to be able to tell Miss O'Hara thank you for everything from a fan -- and then get a quote from her about Ben Johnson! ;)

    Speaking of John Wayne books, I just got that big doorstopper of a coffee table book John Wayne: The Man and the Legend and it's worth every penny. Not much text but what's there is really nice, and the oversized pictures are to die for! (Although, not one with Ben in the entire book, at least as far as I can see.)

    -- Paula the girl with the one-track mind ;)

  • Not sure yet if I'll be able to get to Winterset this year but I'll know later on in the spring. :) I'd sure love to be able to tell Miss O'Hara thank you for everything from a fan -- and then get a quote from her about Ben Johnson! ;)

    Speaking of John Wayne books, I just got that big doorstopper of a coffee table book John Wayne: The Man and the Legend and it's worth every penny. Not much text but what's there is really nice, and the oversized pictures are to die for! (Although, not one with Ben in the entire book, at least as far as I can see.)

    -- Paula the girl with the one-track mind ;)

    Nice to know that about the book. More text is what I was hoping for.....behind the scenes stories, etc.

    You didn't even mention the Ward, Pappy, Duke Book. I would have mentioned a SON one, LOL! HAGO, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well, there is that one Ben Johnson bio, The Nicest Fella, but it came out over two years ago, so it's not exactly news anymore. I have heard some info about other Ben bios in the works but it's all pretty much faint rumor rather than actual news.

    I am definitely looking forward to the Ford/Wayne/Bond book! :)

  • What exactly makes Scorsese anti-American? Specific examples or analysis please, not just "he's a liberal" or his movies are "violent."

    Not to answer for Ringo but Scorsese made a few anti-war films/documentaries durring the Vietnam era and was a very vocal in his opposition to the war as was much of Hollywood. While we can all look back and say Vietnam was a mistake, being vocal and public in your opposition while American men and women were in harm's way rubbed a great many people the wrong way. Call it Jane Fonda Syndrome. I have never seen THE BIG SHAVE or STREET SCENES and don't have time to find out how Scorsese caveated his anti-war rhetoric. However, if he was part of the crowd demonizing the men and women who served their country; to me, and I'm sure to Ringo, that was anti-American. You aren't seeing Soldiers demonized in our current war. I suspect the anti-"anti-American" backlash from the Vietnam era may have something to do with that....but that's just a guess.

    I guess I am somewhat more forgiving than Ringo about some of these things. The 60s and early 70s were a time of incredible emotions and change across this country. I'm not sure many of those changes were for the better but they are what they are. Many still hold grudges. I will not find fault with those that do but I am more willing to let time heal wounds

  • It is one thing to support the enemy (a la Jane Fonda) but it is another thing entirely to exercise one's Constitutional freedom of expression to openly oppose a war even while it's being waged. Are we all just supposed to shut up and go along with what the government is doing even if one is adamantly against it? What about veterans who have fought in various wars and then come back and oppose them publicly even while they're still going on? Anyway, this probably belongs in the Politics thread by now so if anyone wants to continue this conversation, let's move it over there. ;)

  • Not to answer for Ringo but Scorsese made a few anti-war films/documentaries durring the Vietnam era and was a very vocal in his opposition to the war as was much of Hollywood. While we can all look back and say Vietnam was a mistake, being vocal and public in your opposition while American men and women were in harm's way rubbed a great many people the wrong way. Call it Jane Fonda Syndrome. I have never seen THE BIG SHAVE or STREET SCENES and don't have time to find out how Scorsese caveated his anti-war rhetoric. However, if he was part of the crowd demonizing the men and women who served their country; to me, and I'm sure to Ringo, that was anti-American. You aren't seeing Soldiers demonized in our current war. I suspect the anti-"anti-American" backlash from the Vietnam era may have something to do with that....but that's just a guess.

    I guess I am somewhat more forgiving than Ringo about some of these things. The 60s and early 70s were a time of incredible emotions and change across this country. I'm not sure many of those changes were for the better but they are what they are. Many still hold grudges. I will not find fault with those that do but I am more willing to let time heal wounds

    Did a little more research on Scorsese and found that he also aligned himself with the Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Dixie Chicks "let's use our celebrity to stop the war and talk bad about George Bush coalition" in 2003 -2004. Scorsese appeared on British television/radio as part of this organized push in 2003.

    Also found that he was part of the "Marxist Revolutionary Movement" (not my term) in the late 60s early 70s on top of being anti-Vietnam war.

    It's all protected free speech, part of what makes this country great. But he has given those who disagree with his politics plenty of ammunition to call him "anti-American". Which is also protected free speech and in this case far more understandable than the same being said about Kevin Costner a few months ago.

    I foresee these posts being moved to the politics board in 3, 2, 1....

  • It is one thing to support the enemy (a la Jane Fonda) but it is another thing entirely to exercise one's Constitutional freedom of expression to openly oppose a war even while it's being waged. Are we all just supposed to shut up and go along with what the government is doing even if one is adamantly against it? What about veterans who have fought in various wars and then come back and oppose them publicly even while they're still going on? Anyway, this probably belongs in the Politics thread by now so if anyone wants to continue this conversation, let's move it over there. ;)

    Changed my mind about getting into this conversation. I answered your question in a civil manner as to why Scorses could be considered anti-American and you want to take it all the way out there. Ringo's statement is also protected free speech.