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    April 10th. 1796
    Logan County, Kentucky (USA)

    March 3rd. 1836.
    The Alamo, San Antonio, Republic of Texas

    United States of America
    Republic of Texas

    Texas Rangers, Republic of Texas Militia

    Years of service-
    1835, 1836

    Rank -
    Colonel, Texican volunteer army

    Jim Bowie

    Land Speculator, Pioneer, Soldier

    Battle of Nacogdoches
    Battle of Concepción
    Siege of the Alamo

    Mini- Biography
    Full Biography- James Bowie-Wikipedia
    James "Jim" Bowie, a 19th-century American pioneer and soldier,
    played a prominent role in the Texas Revolution,
    culminating in his death at the Battle of the Alamo.
    Countless stories of him as a fighter and frontiersman,
    both real and fictitious,
    have made him a legendary figure in Texas history
    and a folk hero of American culture.

    Born in Kentucky, Bowie spent most of his life in Louisiana,
    where he was raised and later worked as a land speculator.
    His rise to fame began in 1827 on reports of the Sandbar Fight.
    What began as a duel between two other men deteriorated into a melee
    in which Bowie, having been shot and stabbed, killed the sheriff
    of Rapides Parish with a large knife.
    This, and other stories of Bowie's prowess with the knife,
    led to the widespread popularity of the Bowie knife.

    Bowie's reputation was cemented by his role in the Texas Revolution.
    After moving to Texas in 1830, Bowie became a Mexican citizen
    and married the daughter of the vice governor of the province.
    His fame in Texas grew following his failed expedition to find the lost San Saba mine,
    during which his small party repelled an attack by a large Indian raiding party.
    At the outbreak of the Texas Revolution, Bowie joined the Texas militia,
    leading forces at the Battle of Concepción and the Grass Fight.
    In January 1836, he arrived at the Alamo, where he commanded
    the volunteer forces until an illness left him bedridden.

    This image of Bowie's death was created by Charles A. Stephens

    Bowie died with the other Alamo defenders on March 6.
    Despite conflicting accounts of the manner of his death,
    the "most popular, and probably the most accurate"
    accounts maintain that he died in his bed after emptying
    his pistols into several Mexican soldiers.

    Crypt said to contain the remains of Davy Crockett,
    James Bowie, William Barret Travis
    and other heroes of the Alamo
    in the San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio.
    However this has been disputed.

    Text of plaque:
    Here Lie the Remains of Travis, Crockett, Bowie and Other Alamo Heroes
    Formerly buried in the sanctuary of the Old San Fernando Church
    Exhumed July 28, 1936. Exposed to public view for a year. Entombed May 11, 1938
    The Archdiocese of San Antonio erected this memorial May 11 A.D. 1938 R.I.P

    Edited and Compiled by ethanedwards.
    Information And Photographs from Wikipedia

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 6 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Here's the opening theme song, from a 1950s TV show called Jim Bowie. I personally don't remember this show, and I suspect it didn't last very long.



    Keith, it's been real interesting reading about all these "Western Legends" who we've heard about most of our lives. Thanks for all your work on them!

    Chester :newyear:

  • I own a replica of the real bowie knife that I purchase at the Alamo glft shop. six years ago. It hangs on my wall bellow my american flag.
    that flow over the Alamo on my birthday soom years ago.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''