John Wayne Picture Game #257

There are 7 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 3,680 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • Who's quote was the funniest for game #256 8

    1. ethanedwards (1) 13%
    2. smokey (1) 13%
    3. BILL OF PA (1) 13%
    4. Tbone (2) 25%
    5. The Tennesseean (1) 13%
    6. Jay J. Foraker (0) 0%
    7. brick (0) 0%
    8. Big Jim (1) 13%
    9. arthurarnell (1) 13%

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy, just click here and chose a winner. Then, come back and vote!

    We have another tie this week!

    The winners of game #255 are...

    Tbone and smokey. :)))::))):

    Now. on to the next game. Take a look at the picture below and post a funny comment. Have fun with it!

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Observer: Hey - what's with the guard rails on the chess board?
    Young boy: Oh.. we have to put them up when we take him bowling too!

  • Duke: "Look boys over there, it's Roy Rogers! Checkmate."

    Kid playing chess: "Wait how'd you move way over there?"

    Duke: "Never question a master kid. Next!"


    "I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please."

  • dad do you think mom will let you move out of the garage back in the house soon?

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • One youngster to the other: "I don't like the way he starts whistling when we're playing chess. It means he is about to make a move that will give him checkmate! '

    Cheers - Jay:beer:
    "Not hardly!!!"

  • Kid on right: Ok, Mr. Duke. I know I'm a kid, but that don't mean you have to "whinnie" everytime you move your Knight.

    Other Kid: Get use to it. He makes noises for all the pieces he moves. Watch when he moves his Queen. He starts humming Liberace tunes.

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "