Duke's Movies- Blu-Ray/DVD Releases

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  • Here is another JW DVD release that some people might be interested in, more for the documentaries instead of the movie(McLintock!), which most of us already have anyways.

    Synergy Entertainment will be releasing John Wayne: Bigger Than Life on January 25th. The three-disc set includes the western comedy McLintock! (1963) and three documentaries: Bigger Than Life (1990), covering the legend's life and films; The American West of John Ford (1971), highlighting the career and western films of acclaimed director John Ford, including interviews with Wayne and other colleagues; and No Substitute for Victory (1970), hosted by Wayne, about the communist threat and its zenith in Vietnam. Extras are rare TV appearances by Wayne on Art Linkletter's People Are Funny (1958); The Colgate Comedy Hour (October 11, 1953); Wide Wide World (1958) in a segment called "The Western"; and The Lucy Show (1966), in which Wayne plays himself as Lucy (Lucille Ball) is sent to deliver some papers pertaining to the financing of one of his latest productions

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Here is another JW DVD release that some people might be interested in, more for the documentaries instead of the movie(McLintock!), which most of us already have anyways.

    Synergy Entertainment will be releasing John Wayne: Bigger Than Life on January 25th. The three-disc set includes the western comedy McLintock! (1963) and three documentaries: Bigger Than Life (1990), covering the legend's life and films; The American West of John Ford (1971), highlighting the career and western films of acclaimed director John Ford, including interviews with Wayne and other colleagues; and No Substitute for Victory (1970), hosted by Wayne, about the communist threat and its zenith in Vietnam. Extras are rare TV appearances by Wayne on Art Linkletter's People Are Funny (1958); The Colgate Comedy Hour (October 11, 1953); Wide Wide World (1958) in a segment called "The Western"; and The Lucy Show (1966), in which Wayne plays himself as Lucy (Lucille Ball) is sent to deliver some papers pertaining to the financing of one of his latest productions

    Is there any link to Synergy?

  • Found these on Amazon.com. A few movies hitting the Blu-ray format next month and June.

    Once Upon A time In The West- May 3rd
    The Horse Soldiers- May 10th
    The Comancheros- May 17th
    Big Jake- May 31st
    The Outlaw Josey Wales- June 7th.

  • Great movies! Can't wait for the blu-ray release of The Quiet Man. Now that will be really fantastic. But I'd like to see as well To Kill A Mockingbird, and It's a Wonderful Life. These are my three favorite movies.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • The Quiet Man needs a major major restoration. The current DVD looks terrible. So far I have not heard about anyone (we're looking at YOU, Paramount, you own the rights to this film now) paying for the required restoration. The elements exist -- it's only a matter of money and labor. Until that happens, I doubt we'll be seeing it on Blu-ray. Alas. :(

  • Great movies! Can't wait for the blu-ray release of The Quiet Man. Now that will be really fantastic. But I'd like to see as well To Kill A Mockingbird, and It's a Wonderful Life. These are my three favorite movies.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo

    hondo it's a wonderful life is on blue-ray at the moment.the transfer is great.i have it in my collection.

  • Unfortunately The Quiet Man is not currently scheduled for a Blu-ray release. :(

    I believe it would need a thorough restoration. The elements exist. It's only a matter of money and time.

  • Unfortunately The Quiet Man is not currently scheduled for a Blu-ray release. :(

    I believe it would need restoration. The elements exist. It's only a matter of money and time.

    It needs a lot of restoration as I don't think it was graded properly by Republic when it was first released and any subsequent releases on film, video or DVD have not been without their faults.

    It would be great if someone or an organisation took the task on as it would be a shame to lose this classic to future generations.

    I believe that The Quiet Man was the best selling video in the UK when it was first released so a restored DVD release could be a money winner.

  • It needs a lot of restoration as I don't think it was graded properly by Republic when it was first released and any subsequent releases on film, video or DVD have not been without their faults.

    It would be great if someone or an organisation took the task on as it would be a shame to lose this classic to future generations.

    I believe that The Quiet Man was the best selling video in the UK when it was first released so a restored DVD release could be a money winner.

    Even disregarding the print quality, The Quiet Man was released to DVD in the UK from an NTSC master which is never a good thing.

    Somehow I think it'll eventually be released on Blu-ray. There are many John Wayne fans, of course, but there are many John Ford fans, too. The combination of the two is very marketable.

    Turner Classic Movies recently showed The Horse Soldiers, and it's an entirely different print than what was released on DVD to the world. This new transfer is most likely what will end up on the soon-to-be-released Blu-ray. Hopefully The Quiet Man will get the same treatment.

  • The Horse Soldiers has been running in HD on one of the HD channels -- it looks great. So does Rio Grande on HDNet (alas no Blu-ray of that yet).

    The DVD of The Quiet Man received universally negative reviews (I'm referring to the Region 1/North American release). It may come out on Blu-ray someday (I sure hope it does) but not without a significant restoration. The DVD was the topic of a lot of discussion at Home Theater Forum when it came out -- everyone was really disappointed with it, alas.

  • I purchased The Horse Soldiers on Blu-Ray, and it is great. I can't believe the difference. And I paid only $11.99 for the movie at the local video store. May get some others soon.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I saw The Horse Soldiers Blu-ray at Walmart for an even $10. I thought about getting it but, decided to wait. I ended up going to Best Buy and getting The Comancheros instead. It was $24.99 and the packaging opens like a book, has two lobby cards in it and a few page book that tells about the movie and the main actors. It's a single disc with quite a few extras including a couple of docs. All in all, it looks like a hard cover book like the ones kids used to get. Haven't watched it yet, though, so I don't know how it looks on screen.