John Wayne Picture Game #274

There are 7 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 4,462 times. The latest Post () was by dukefan1.

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  • Who's quote was the funniest for game #273 5

    1. Jay J. Foraker (1) 20%
    2. arthurarnell (0) 0%
    3. smokey (1) 20%
    4. etphoto (1) 20%
    5. Stony (1) 20%
    6. brick (0) 0%
    7. dukefan1 (1) 20%

    Hello Gang!

    Don't forget to vote on the last game. It's easy, just click here and chose a winner. Then, come back and vote!

    Looks like we have a 3-way tie this week!

    The winners of game #272 are...

    arthurarnell, brick and dukefan1. :)))::)))::))):

    Now. on to the next game. Take a look at the picture below and post a funny comment. Have fun with it!

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • What the hell is Subway and five dollar footlongs.

    Mister you better find yourself another line of work, cause this one sure DON"T fit your PISTOL!

  • Hi

    Are you raisingyour hand to become my deputy, or are getting ready to give me a high five or owning up to cutting down the cherry tree.

    No sir its because i want to go to the toilet



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Duke to Gary: Son you can raise your hand and swear on a stack of Bible's that your hair is naturally curly, but my indian deputy blanket head, has already testified that he saw you pee on that electric fence!!!!!
    Gary: Can I put my hand down now?
    Duke: Yep!!!!

    Don't Believe In Surrenders!!!!!

  • Gary: My hand on a stack of Bibles, I didn't eat your M&M's. I swear!

    Duke: Then why you got chocolate in the corner of your mouth?

    Gary: Because I only ate the W's. There were no M's left.

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "