Major Dundee (1965)

There are 89 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 104,632 times. The latest Post () was by Hondo Apache.

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  • I'm not sure they've limited the amount to 2 per person. I checked by adding 3 in my basket and they let me.

    Anyway, I ordered 2 copies. Almost every order I put in with SAE arrive with a broken case (leading to inserts and such getting damaged) due to them sending their stuff in padded bags, except when I order three CD's or more. Doesn't matter if it's an expensive limited edition CD I'm buying, same kind of packaging material. Never bought a Blu-ray from SAE before so I got two just in case one arrives in poor shape. It's limited to 3000 copies, if I would have ordered only one and it arrived damaged, I may not had been able to get another since they may sell out.


  • Well, that's three of us. A bit disappointed that there doesn't appear to be any new extras, but here's hoping that Nick Redman corrected the night scene when the escapees are recaptured so it's at least visible.
    Last time I pre-ordered from Twilight Time, the movie showed up a week ahead of the release date. Here's hoping.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Yes, I noticed that as well. In fact, there's less special features than on the Extended Cut DVD. It's missing a featurette or two, good thing I won't part with my beloved DVD anyway.


  • Neither will I, Hondo. In fact, I've had a strong itch to watch it again but am waiting for the Blu. If it's not an improvement over the dvd I'm going to be very disappointed.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • I don't own any Twilight Times Blu-rays, but I've heard nothing but good thing about the label. They even postponed this release date because they wanted to work on the print some more.


  • Received the Blu Ray of this and viewed it this morning.
    For the most part, it's a vast improvement of sharpness, depth of field and color. For me, a long time fan of this troubled and troubling film, it's worth it.

    We deal in lead, friend.