Olive Films

There are 133 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 104,434 times. The latest Post () was by Durhamcowboy.

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  • Just a quick heads up.
    The titles on deepdiscount are sub $15 and $18 on Amazon, Quiet Man is more.
    It may be a long way off, mid Jan, but I've watched Quiet Man go up $5 already on Amazon so best order early! ;)

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • The Quiet Man is coming out on Blu-ray and DVD in January 22, 2013.

    Now this is very exciting. A must in the collection and it looks like a better print in coming out.


    Newly re-mastered in HD from a 4K SCAN of the ORIGINAL NEGATIVE. John Ford's The Quiet Man celebrates one of Hollywood's most romantic and enduring epics.

    Is this a good thing?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Agreed, the DVD copies are dreadful!!
    Really excited as all other Olive Films releases to date have been fantastic!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • A discussion about The Quiet Man on blu-ray (and DVD) has been under discussion in the "Olive Films" thread since Oct. 29. The transfer from a 4k scan should look fantastic unless there is some big screwup.

  • A discussion about The Quiet Man on blu-ray (and DVD) has been under discussion in the "Olive Films" thread since Oct. 29. The transfer from a 4k scan should look fantastic unless there is some big screwup.

    Let's hope not Paula.
    So far Olive Films can do no wrong in my eyes, I've got most of their western blu rays and all have been at worst very good indeed!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • A discussion about The Quiet Man on blu-ray (and DVD) has been under discussion in the "Olive Films" thread since Oct. 29. The transfer from a 4k scan should look fantastic unless there is some big screwup.

    I have now sorted this Paula,
    and merged the new thread into this one

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Overland Stage Raiders on Olive blu ray.

    Another cracking transfer and a nice little film.
    I have rediscovered these since the blu rays and have enjoyed everyone.

    Can't wait for the next batch of Duke releases from Olive films in Janary!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Overland Stage Raiders on Olive blu ray.

    Another cracking transfer and a nice little film.
    I have rediscovered these since the blu rays and have enjoyed everyone.

    Can't wait for the next batch of Duke releases from Olive films in Janary!

    Now you say next batch in january, Does there seem to be a pattern here? Are they releasing regularly every few months Dooley?

  • As Gorch already noted, blu-ray.com has posted screenshots and review of the newly-restored version of TQM. Here's the link: http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/…Man-Blu-ray/58675/#Review

    It looks fantastic. SO much better than the very poor quality versions available before! I can't wait to watch my copy I preordered on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Quiet-An…-1&keywords=The+Quiet+Man

    It will be VERY exciting to share this stunning restored version on the BIG screen with Maureen O'Hara herself who has accepted our invitation to join us at our 2013 John Wayne Birthday Celebration featuring a tribute to Maureen O'Hara on May 24-25th. ALL of the films starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara (Rio Grande, The Quiet Man, The Wings of Eagles, McLintock! and Big Jake) will be shown on the big screen in the Iowa Theatre on the Courthouse Square in Winterset.

    Those who've attended our past John Wayne Birthday Celebrations can tell you--there lots of fun and plenty of free things to do during this event. For those interested in attending our John Wayne Birthplace Museum Benefit Dinner with Maureen O'Hara on May 25th, tickets are now available at http://www.johnwaynebirthplace.org or by phone toll-free at (877) 462-1044. Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  • Olive Films comes through again!

    They will release Lady for a Night on blu-ray and DVD on February 26. ;)

    I really didn't enjoy this one when I watched it on DVD at Christmas. Not sure how much the rubbish quality had to do with it. I think I'll wait for a review of this one, got 4 other Duke titles on their way soon so that should keep me occupied.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

    Edited once, last by Dooley ().

  • Now you say next batch in january, Does there seem to be a pattern here? Are they releasing regularly every few months Dooley?

    Hi Wtrayah, I've been off JWMB for a bit and totally missed this one!
    Yes they do seem to be releasing at quite a rate, there are 3 more early Duke titles AND the Quiet Man all out in Jan and already Lady for a Night scheduled for Feb! Long may these releases continue!:wink_smile:

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Sorry, I got confused in my not liking Lady for a Night.
    The film I watched at Christmas was Lady takes a Chance, which I didn't enjoy, lol.
    It transpires I've never seen Lady for a Night, so must watch it soon, before February!

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Wow! A man betrayed!! That's one I've never seen.
    Olive films are single handedly dominating all my blu ray purchases.
    Mclintock is released here in on region B but I think I'll wait for the Olive release.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Wow! A man betrayed!! That's one I've never seen.
    Olive films are single handedly dominating all my blu ray purchases.
    Mclintock is released here in on region B but I think I'll wait for the Olive release.

    A Man Betrayed is also known as Wheel of Fortune, which was it's re-release title. The only version I have ever seen is the re-release version. I wonder of Olive has the original or if they are issuing the re-release?

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • A Man Betrayed is also known as Wheel of Fortune, which was it's re-release title. The only version I have ever seen is the re-release version. I wonder of Olive has the original or if they are issuing the re-release?

    A Man Betrayed played at a film festival a few years ago under its original theatrical title, and not under its re-release title which is actually its television title. (Republic Pictures was vilified by Hollywood for being one of the first studios to sell their product to TV.)

    From what I read about the festival, the print for A Man Betrayed was pristine.

    I suspect Olive Films will use the festival print.

  • Keith will be happy to get A Man Betrayed because Ward Bond is in it. ;)

    For sure, Paula........but I was hoping they would put out Conflict also. Well, maybe next time......sure love to see Ward in his boxing outfit while still in shape, LOL! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE