THREE BAD MEN: John Ford, John Wayne, Ward Bond

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  • Thanks of the sixty some odd pictures in the book that are supposed to be mostly previously unpublished.

    Scott sees the doc today. I will let yall know if he winds up in the hospital.....good chance of it. Hopefully not because it may mean surgery.


    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • After multitudes of tests, etc. they found Scott's problem was not quite as serious as we had expected. He should be being released from the hospital about this time!....back to the Indexing, LOL!
    Here is something he posted on TBM for those of you who don't do FB:
    Scott: "DUKE and MAUREEN: Original 8x10 camera negative shot on the set of RIO GRANDE (1950)." He also says thanks so much for those of you who were "pulling for him" to get well! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Here is another. KEITH Scott is back to working on finishing the book's index!
    I think this is one of the movies that Duke was in his very best physical shape!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Thanks Bill, I have been passing along yall's "well wishes"! Scott really appreciates them. He is very glad I "twisted his arm" into joining here, LOL.

    "VICTOR MCLAGLEN, in his Oscar-winning portrayal of Gypo Nolan, in Ford's masterful THE INFORMER (1935). That's the great character actor, J.M. Kerrigan, in the center. Original RKO-Radio publicity still." SAN

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well, Scott is making up for lost time while in the hospital......also his new book subject arrived today at his house for two days of non-stop interviewing between his performances. Here is what he writes:
    "DUKE, with his hero HARRY CAREY, in THE SPOILERS (1942). Original Universal still." KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Got Junior Mike, Mike Siegel (wrote the book on Sam Peckinpah),to do a review for Scott's book. He sent this with his email to me. Wings of Eagles. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

    Edited once, last by Hawkswill: Left out the book ().

  • Have no idea about the still, but if you have Mike Siegel in your corner, you're on the best track there is.
    Mike is one of the best collector, interpreter, interviewer, knowledgeable, loyal, talented and friendly film experts that I have ever had the privilege of corresponding with. Years ago, he graciously spent some time advising me about my son's interest in film making. His documentaries and books are of historic proportions.
    As Duke said about Chuck Roberson - when you can count them on one hand, count me in. I feel the same about JuniorMike.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • Yep, MB, had talked with him before. He has been most helpful this time and is looking forward to doing the review on Three Bad Men.

    Here is what Scott has to say about this:
    John Ford was such a meticulous director: He even composed the still photos for his films. Here is a classic scene. DUKE, in what he often referred to as his best performance, with BEN JOHNSON and FRANK MCGRATH as The Bugler! Original still for SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON (1949).

    GENERAL Rome Clay/Trooper Smith

    Have no idea about the still, but if you have Mike Siegel in your corner, you're on the best track there is.
    Mike is one of the best collector, interpreter, interviewer, knowledgeable, loyal, talented and friendly film experts that I have ever had the privilege of corresponding with. Years ago, he graciously spent some time advising me about my son's interest in film making. His documentaries and books are of historic proportions.
    As Duke said about Chuck Roberson - when you can count them on one hand, count me in. I feel the same about JuniorMike.

    We deal in lead, friend.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Sorry, was a bit ill and got behind on my posts for yall. Here is a cute one that reminds me of McClintock and Big Jake. The book is at the printers and Scott began his new one the same day, LOL!

    Scott says:
    DUKE takes a tumble into the mud, in Henry Hathaway's insane parody of the Western "Gold Rush" subgenre, NORTH TO ALASKA (1960)! Original 8x10 transparency.

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Welcome, Keith.

    Scott says: "Original 11x14 portrait of JOHN WAYNE and JEAN ARTHUR in A LADY TAKES A CHANCE (1943) "

    Forgot it was Saturday, I suppose we will find out when the review books are being shipping on Monday. Will let you know. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Yesterday, I got some national magazines to agree to do reviews. Now, if we can just get the book, LOL. Well, it was never scheduled to come out until April! How many of you have seen this........I hadn't. Here is what Scott says about it, "Super rare original still from Ford's stunning THE PRISONER OF SHARK ISLAND (1936). This recreation of the Lincoln Assassination features FRANCIS MCDONALD as John Wilkes Booth, FRANK MCGLYNN SR. as Abraham Lincoln, and LEILA MCINTYRE as Mary Todd Lincoln. Lincoln was one of Ford's heroes, and appears in his films from THE IRON HORSE (1924) to CHEYENNE AUTUMN (1964). Ford's brother, FRANCIS, played the Great Emancipator several times in his early silent films." KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • I didn't see it, but this is probably posted somewhere already. If it is, I apologize ahead of time.
    This is what Scott said about it,
    "BIG JAKE (1971), one of the best films from DUKE's "late period."
    Loved the film but have nightmares about Sam the Indian and Dog the dog! KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Got swamped and have missed posting some nice lobby cards, etc. Will try to post Scott's comments on them.....might get stuck with some of MY comments, also, LOL. KEITH

    William Wyler's classic DEAD END (1937) is famous for several things: introducing the "DEAD END" KIDS into popular culture, giving HUMPHREY BOGART his first decent role since "The Petrified Forest," and featuring WARD BOND as the Doorman! Here he is, in all his glory, with Sylvia Sidney, Joel McCrea and James Burke.

    Original still from RKO-Radio's TALL IN THE SADDLE (1944) with THE DUKE and THE JUDGE, aka John Wayne and Ward Bond! Where was JOHN FORD? At a little place called Omaha Beach in Normandy, filming D-DAY....Scott People always talk about how large Duke's hands were. Well, his best friend Ward's were about the same......take a look, KEITH

    FORD? At a little place called Omaha Beach in Normandy, filming D-DAY!

    Original still for WAKE OF THE RED WITCH (1949): JOHN WAYNE and DENNIS HOEY, father of MICHAEL A. HOEY, who was assistant editor on Ford's SERGEANT RUTLEDGE and wrote the foreword for THREE BAD MEN. The book will be available VERY SOON!'

    More to come. Got locked up and lost them last time. Playing it safe here, LOL, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

    Edited once, last by Hawkswill: Forgot something ().

  • On location in Louisiana, JOHN FORD directs WILLIAM HOLDEN and JOHN WAYNE in THE HORSE SOLDIERS (1959). Original publicity still.

    In 1930, you could see THE BIG TRAIL if you could scrape up (a maximum) of 50 cents admission! Perhaps the matinee would have been more workable, with the Depression really beginning to rage. Here's the original herald for Duke's first big shot at the Big Time!

    THE COWBOYS (1972) Original mini-lobby card.

    The tiniest Cowboy, did his own stunts, starred in another movie with Duke, then went on to be 7 times world champion rodeo star KEITH

    Original lobby card for the early silent Ford Western SURE FIRE (1921), featuring HOOT GIBSON (center) and MOLLY MALONE!

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Many more sometimes rare pics from behind, LOL.

    Two of Ford's top actors meet up for a rumble in the absurd (but very entertaining) "B" film PARK AVENUE LOGGER (1937)! Hang tough, WARD! Original lobby card.

    Original lobby card from FORD's Western masterpiece MY DARLING CLEMENTINE (1946), with Victor Mature, Henry Fonda and WARD BOND!

    About three more pages below of pics I hadn't posted. Scott hopes you like them. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • If you would like to hear Scott Nolen, the author of Three Bad Men, Scott says,

    "Yours Truly is doing some more fund-raising "SINATRA: THE MAN AND THE MUSIC" shows for Hawaii Public Radio.

    If interested, the first airs this week, Easter Sunday, at 10pm CST (5 pm Honolulu time!). Here's the link:

    Just click in the upper right corner, on HPR-2, and you'll be swingin', Jack!

    They are also using my book, The Cinema of Sinatra, as a "pledge gift!"


    Scott" KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE