Behind the Scenes on the Shootist / John Wayne 1976 Interview

There are 18 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 19,459 times. The latest Post () was by willyande.

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  • There are two new videos on youtube, I never saw before. Hope it's really something new - if not, just ignore it.:wink_smile: This is the first one:



    Greetings from Germany

  • Thanks for putting that on here, Tina. I had never saw this clip before. I love seeing new footage of Duke.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Hello,

    Thank you for the Welcome.

    The other video is this one:



    I woukd like to see the complete BBC documentary called the Great American Picture Star, but I could not find the documentary on dvd or so.

    Greetings, Tina

  • There are two new videos on youtube, I never saw before. Hope it's really something new - if not, just ignore it.:wink_smile: This is the first one:



    Greetings from Germany

    I love that movie

  • I found this clip on "youtube" while I was searching the internet for "the shootist", my favourite movie. Sometimes I look if I can find something new and I was thrilled to find this clip. Now it is no longer there, because as they say here, the you tube account has been shut down (or terminated, I dont know what is the right word in english) because of copyright violation. Too bad...
    Greetings from Germany

  • In spite of his health problems he was handsome and in very good shape for a 72 years old man.

    Forever in our hearts.Thanks for the video.

    Break the law and he's the last man you want to see. And the last you ever will.

  • Here is Scott Eyman speaking about "The Shootist". He wrote the book "John Wayne, The Life and Legend". You don't see Duke in this clip, but it is interesting, I think.



    Greetings, Tina

  • I had the pleasure of spending a weekend with both Scott Eyman and Gleen Frankel. Author of the book
    The Searchers (The Making of a American Legend)
    I found both to be both fine gentlemen and true John Wayne fans.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Bill, that sounds like a thrilling experience! I am still reading the book that Eyman wrote ... have to look up many words and want to understand everything. The other book written by Gleen Frankel I do not own yet. Think I'm going to get it now.

    Greetings, Tina

  • That was a big thrill for me.
    The Sunday morning before we all had to fly home we sat around the dining room table along with Scott Conrad.
    (Aissa husband) and a Academy Award Winner himself.
    All we did for a hour a half was talk movies and Hollywood.
    I did not want to leave.
    PS. I did more listening then talking.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

    Edited once, last by BILL OF PA ().