There are 4 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 5,917 times. The latest Post () was by bakerhen.

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  • Hi everyone! Thanks for allowing me to be here.

    My name is Marsha and I've learned that John Wayne is my 10th cousin. I was very excited. I'm an amateur genealogist and this is how I made my discovery.

    What would be the rules on using this website link as a source for information on John's page in my family tree?

    I'm anxious to read what I can find on this website.

    Thanks again for having me!
    Marsha :)

  • Hello Marsha, and welcome to the board.

    I think that is cool that you can claim kinship to John Wayne. That's bragging rights, for sure! As for linking to this forum, I'll leave that decision up to the founder and board owner, Kevin. Do enjoy looking around the board, there is plenty to read and learn. Thanks for jumping in!


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "