Posts by lindaj48

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    Seen heart doctor yesterday tring to get me set up to see a new doctor for special blood test to be done n a stress test has to get ok from my insurance being last of dec i am sure it will take time n not done until after 1st of year. I also had another mammagram n ultrasound done the mass is still there but to soon for another biospy to be done so have wait for that to be done oh boy it sure hits me hard this year n not sure 2017 will be any better for me, it sure has me scared also been having nummness in left arm n left leg so now i am really scared that if i go back in hopsital i will not be coming out. heart doctor yesterday tring to get me set up to see a new doctor for special blood test to be done n a stress test has to get ok from my insurance being last of dec i am sure it will take time n not done until after 1st of year. I also had another mammagram n ultrasound done the mass is 7x6x6 still there, but to soon for another biospy to be done so have wait for that to be done oh boy it sure hits me hard this year n not sure 2017 will be any better for me, it sure has me scared also been having nummness in left arm n left leg so now i am really scared that if i go back in hopsital i will not be coming out. And last night the nummness was in left arm,left leg,n left side of my face it was from about 11:30pm tues n lasted until weds moring around 10am
    I think i figured out these strange dreams that if i go back in the hosptial i will not be coming back out again i am somewhere not sure but that i will only be safe if i stay there n that if i leave i will die or be killed.

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    wishing all of you a very safe and happy thanksgiving. i was alone as my daughter lives
    in OK and am not able to trival yet that far from my baypass suregrys for my heart.
    am still having alot of pain and alot of dizzness cuze of my meds for heart and am having
    another magram done on dec 5th hope i can get it done as they did a biospy on may 11 before my heartcath and it show a spot they have been wanting me to have another one so i did go talk them n told i still have of pain n hurt pain like needles i do miss coming in i have my pc work soon i finely got hosptial paid off. soon another bill will be paid off then i can take my pc into have it worked on. so i have a tablet samung with wfi that i use alot now'. :( my butterball n shadow my cats808x606-butterball n shadow resized.jpg

    sorry i had forgot where to post somethings like the related to lifestyle & health sometimes when i click a link i can not seem to find the one
    i am looking for evern though it is showing a link in the email. i will try harder to post in the right place.

    it was really bad the day they where suppose to do my 5heart bypass the compters where hacked in for money on weds nite before suregy on thurs.they finely got use of some of the records on weds afternoon. but was still so clickes in the system i guess these people are doing to alot of hosptials all over:rant::rolleyes::fear::lamo: it took them all day thurs n friday n sat to get my records so they did the 5 heart bypasses on sunday morning at 7 am it was really hard on me as i had an infection they had to take care of i was sure glad when it was all over i am black n blue all over but glad to be back home i got home friday still having alot of pain

    sorry i have not been on line much
    i have been having test done a biopsy do not know yet was to small a spot that was done on weds 5-11 n then on 5-12 had a heartcatherizon done i have to have 6 bypass surgerys at once sometime after the 24:sad_smile: and on top of that i have real bad bronchitis it all hit me at once

    :cry_smile: i have been having test done i had a mild heartack in dec it took months to get my ins to ok
    the test n the cost i have to pay 20% of the cost.
    i had to have aspecial test done as i could not do the regural treadmill. n this is what they found.
    (LEXISCAN MONTERING) this is the kind of heart test they had to do it took 2 hrs.
    i finely got my heart stress test results my heart is not work right it is abnormal heart rate imaging reveals left 61%
    ( the left heart ventricular systolic function with a calculated left ejection fraction, the heart rate is 114 which is only 75% of the normal heart rate
    also electrocarddiographic demonstrates sinus rhythm with occasional PVCs
    also stress tests revealed a moderate sized perfusion defect of mild severity involving the lateral wall
    so i have to see a heart doc as soon as they can get it set up he only comes to my docs office once a
    week they said tues so will have to see when they can get me in to see him and go from there. predicted MRH-220 mine was 152
    85% of MHR-129
    i guess cuze of all of this heart thing is why i am so tired most of the time n take so many naps.

    i know i have not bee on line
    for some time my daughter n grandkids n there day had to move to OK now my oldested
    granddaughter got married in june n is now living in el paso texs he is in the army.:tank: my daughter n granddaughter finely got back here the first part of oct to get the things i wanted them to have to
    use now i am having alot of medical tests done will let you all know when i know what is going on sometime next week do not forget that we go off daylight savings time at 2 am sunday morning:wink_smile:

    My oldest granddaughter is getting married as soon as her guy gets back from overseas. he has two weeks before he has to go
    to texas. as of yesterday he still had not gotten his orders to come home to the states yet.
    aleast when he gets here n they get it set up at the court house i will get to see my daughter also
    i have not seen her in almost a yr.:rose::star:
    linda j brown

    sorry i have not been on for sometime
    things have not been good for me lately.:cry_smile: just been really down in the dumps for over
    a week we had alot of rain n flooding n tornados n quakes wow may was really a strange month.
    hope you all have been doing great. i did watch a full day of John Wayne i always try to watch when he
    is on. i think i have seem of you on FB.

    i have not been
    doing good doc put me on meds for high blood p. been to high for months.
    now all i do is sleep lol:))): hope all are doing great n had great holidays. been watchiing some movies of
    the dukes. take care all it is just about 2 yrs sence my mom passedaway n now close to a yr since
    my daughters family had to move away my oldest granddaughter guy she is going to marry thought
    he had to be in kora for 1yr but it is only 6 months then to text for 2 yrs as soon as he gets a place
    my granddaughter will join him.:clock

    i know this is nothing to do with any movie stars or singers just wanted to wish everyone a very happy Christmas n safe new years.looks like i will not have anyone here for christmas as my daughter n her family had to move away so looks like it will be me n my cats n hopefully something good on tv to watch thanksgiving was just me my cats n John Wayne