Posts by dlw1953

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    Duke: Sorry fella's but we're closed for the day.
    Man in the middle: Can't you just serve us? We're hungry!
    Duke: I said we're closed. Hey you in the white! The cook is spoken for! Get that look off your face before I do something you'll regret!

    Why is it whenever I click on links to Ben Johnson's work I get a website about traveling of some sort? It's been like ever since I joined up in here. I never said anything before, but nosey me feels like she's missing something. It happens on allot of threads. HELP!!!!!!!


    My daughter sent home a western movie she had. It's called American Outlaws. it's about Jessie James and Cole Younger. Some of the cast members are Colin Farrell, Scott Caan, and Ali Larter. I usually don't care for the new westerns like I do the older ones, but I have to say this movie is very good. There's no F..bombs as someone put it and no sex scenes. It has comedy also. A very good movie. I'm real glad I took the time to watch it.


    I have never seen that movie yet. I've heard about it but never seen it. I have heard Hoppy had done many appearances like that and visited many children's hospital giving allot, and I do mean allot of money to charities for kids.


    I have allot of the Hopalong Cassidy movies. he's right up there with the Duke. My favorite side kick who appeared in many shows with Hoppy is Andy Clyde. His character was California Carlson. They went together like peanut butter and jelly in my book.


    Thank you all so much. As for my name...I get asked allot if I'm from the south. The answer is no. Never been there. Born and raised right here. You're all so friendly. I know I'm going to love it here.


    Thanks Jay. I appreciate your welcome. It's just so nice to set and read about Duke along with others who loved him as much as I do. I just came from visiting a museum on this site. I love seeing all the pictures and stories on him. Christmas doesn't have to come for me. I'm already there.


    Thanks to all that welcomed me here. I was happy to get on here today and see all those. I love it here. I've learned so much already that I didn't know about Duke. I go off one one thread and next thing I know I'm buried into several others. This is great. You have a wonderful place here. I am thrilled to be a part of it. Thanks so much for making me feel comfortable. You can put money on the fact that I'll post and often. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

    Someone asked if Dixie is a boy or a girl. I'm a girl. I was named after Bing Crosby's first wife, Dixie Lee. I have met a few Dixie's in life, all girls. Even a couple of dogs with my name. I do mean the four legged kind.


    My name is Dixie. I'm 55 years young and, I live in Idaho. I have never lived a day in my life without John Wayne being attached to it somehow. My parents were both huge fans and well, I have always been on also. I love all of his movies and watch them regularly. I stumbled onto this site about a two weeks ago I guess. I love everything about it. I set in here for hours at at time (not realizing it) and read. Thanks so much for being here for Duke's fans. This is so awesome I can't put it into words. :hyper:
