Posts by falc04

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    Bumping an old thread, but I was SO looking forward to seeing True Grit in the theaters. I left half way thru, went home and watched the rest on my bluray. The film was in such shoddy shape. It had the quality of a VHS tape, and there was a horizontal red line running thru the bottom of the image. What a disappointment!

    This film, along with Reunion In France, are the only two films in John Wayne's long career, that I can never bring myself to watch again. All three leads were just too old to play the parts of such juvenile characters. This was painful obvious during the meeting with the Mexican family. The good news...the end of this film would mark the start of probably his greatest 10-year stretch of his moviemaking career.

    This was originally posted back in December 2006 on the HTF.

    According to a post on DVD Times Forum, Movies Unlimited say that Weinstein have acquired the rights to the Samuel Bronston epics Fall Of The Roman Empire, El Cid, 55 Days At Peking and Circus World and plan a mid-2007 DVD release.

    So far, Fall of the Roman Empire and El Cid have gotten the deluxe treatment. 55 Days and Circus World should be completed by the end of this year, or early next.

    I first watched it on Laserdisc back in the early 90s. It was released in it's proper widescreen ratio, with 6 channel stereo seperation. Like others have mentioned, the film loses a lot when you see it on VHS, because you are losing so much of the picture image. I currently own the DVD from France, which is really the only good version out there right now (the Asian ones are full screen as well). But the good news is that Disney recently purchased the rights to all the Bronston epics, and Circus World is scheduled to be released in region 1 either late this year or early next year.

    Hi Elly,

    I would love for the 70mm version to be released onto DVD! And according to IMDB, the original film ran over a 150 minutes long. How great would it be to see the extra 30 minutes of the movie, that now appear lost.

    And Elly, as I'm guessing you realized from your second post, there is no pan-and-scan version of The Big Trail...just the alternately-shot 35mm version. Both were framed and shot in their respective proper ratios (with the 35mm version being the one released to DVD currently).

    The only other fact that I know about Stewart was that he parted company pretty disgracefully with director Anthony Mann after a dispute with how much credit Mann was getting for invigorating Stewart's career with the westerns he made with him in the 1950s. Ironically after the rift neither of them enjoyed the success they had when they worked as a team.

    I had read that Mann was unhappy with the weak script that was 'Night Passage', and he wanted it reworked before shooting was to start. Also, Stewart insisted on playing the accordian and singing in the film, which Mann felt would stop the film dead in tracks whenever those scenes happened. Mann left the project and this began a riff between the two, that was never mended.

    Mann was, in retrospect, correct. Night Passage was certainly the weakest of all Jimmy Stewart's 1950-era westerns. It's one saving grace is the beautiful technicolor photography, especially one long tracking scene, done from a train cutting thru the side of a mountain.

    I just finished reading her bio. I enjoyed the first half of the book quite a bit, but found the second half to grow increasingly odd. Her run-ins with John Ford were down right creepy, yet she constantly tells us how much she still loves him. Telling us about who's sexual orientation is who's was also odd. She seemed to relish in tossing dirt around, and yet could not understand when it got tossed back at her.

    All in all, I'm glad I read it. It does not alter my perception of her as one of John Wayne's best leading ladies. But I don't think I'd ever be motivated to pick it up again...

    Finally watched Seven Sinners last night. Although it's mostly a vehicle for Dietrich, John Wayne does very well with what he has to work with. And it was a plesant surprise to see Duke's co-star from 'The Sea Spoilers' three years prior, in the movie. The young Lt. from that film, who get's command of Duke's Coast Guard ship from his Dad's appointment, plays a minor role as one of the Navy men in this film.

    Oh, and by the way, I did see where Duke tells Dietrich to look deep into his honest blue eyes (and then he changes it to gray eyes for a laugh).

    A film I enjoying watching over and over again. It is said that upon completion, the film ran close to 3 hours, but was cut down to under 2 hours by the studio. I would very much like to see that first cut of the film, but I'm sure all that footage is long gone now.

    Thanks for the link, I enjoyed seeing the movie again in still pictures.

    Just watched this last night, and have to say, it's one of Duke's best early 1940 films. The film proves that even at John Wayne's relatively early age, given the right dialog and director, he was a top-notch actor. Going toe-to-toe with the great Walter Pigdeon must have been intimadating for Duke, but he carries his scenes off very well.

    Extremely entertaining western...made even better by the excellent cast, great script, and a proven director.

    I'll give this one 8 out of 10 stars!

    I would have voted for 'The Quiet Man', as she was wonderful in that...but I just finished watching 'How Green Was My Valley', so I voted for that one, as a sentimental favorite.

    Senta I agree with you. I was just going with the flow. I think this is a cool game, but perhaps there needs to be some rules here such as PM'ing the answers to whoever comes up with the quote and maybe a set amount of time to guess before the answer is given.

    Not really...the game works best when everyone tries to guess their answers in a public forum. Once the correct response is given, the person who put out the quote out confirms it's right. After that, another person puts out a quote. If you PM your answers, it takes away the fun of having the group playing together.

    Okay, that said, let me throw another one out. Not sure if this is the exact quote, but it should be close enough:

    "Go on, take's just dirty paper"

    Gritty movies like The Life of Jimmy Dolan vanished until after the demise of the Production Code in the early 1960s.
    What movies Hollywood would have made if not for rigid censorship for over 25 years is an unanswerable question.
    Warner Bros. pre-code sound movies indicate that older movies made before censorship
    have dated a lot better than much of the drivel released during the Breen censorship period.

    What utter hogwash. Basically, this person from IMDB is stating that movies made during the Hayes Code period were garbage, when in fact this was the golden age of movie making. In fact, the year 1939 will never EVER be repeated again, for the sheer volume of fantastic films produced. Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Stagecoach, Gone With The Wind, Destry Rides Again, etc and so forth. You have more quality films from that one year, than you can find in the last 15 years of films put together.

    Sound like this person is saying once violence and sex in films was toned down in 1934, that the industry went stink-o for the next 30 years. What complete nonsense.