Posts by mwrobins

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    Hi 'Again' all of you,

    Just an update on the Marisa date issue.

    I received a copy of the book - Duke, the Life and Times of John Wayne and although it does mention the golf club incident, it does not give a date.
    So, back to square one!
    With regards contacting Ethan Wayne - as was suggested by Keith (Hawkswill), does everyone agree that this is the best route now? It seems we really are at the last chance saloon (Apologies for the rather pathetic attempt at the cowboy humour).

    Hope you are all well,



    Hi Keith,

    I've just ordered a copy of the book from ebay.
    I may go as far as contacting the author(s).
    You and your contacts are brilliant!

    Dear Keith,

    Well, what can I say, you truly are the 'Columbo' of the web.

    I can't thank you all enough for your input, I really appreciate it - along with your friendliness. I will contact the authors and see what I can get. If I hear anything I will be sure to let you know.

    I tried to attach a copy of my JW autographed photo, which I thought you may like to see. Sadly the format is no good but the description is this...

    Vintage matte-finish 8 x 10 photo of Wayne in an overcoat, signed and inscribed in blue ballpoint “Good luck Glenn. I’m really not this worried. Duke, John Wayne 1961.”
    According to the consignor, this photo originates from the Glenn ‘Frankenstein’ Strange estate. He met Wayne when he visited on the set of Gunsmoke in 1961, where Strange played a bartender on the show for years.

    I did manage to attach the signed document that all this research stemmed from..., and I thought you might like to see.

    I love the fact he signs Duke and John Wayne...

    Will be in touch soon, in the meantime, best to all of you.


    Hello again,

    Apologies for not telling you what my search was all about.
    Basically I purchased a signed letter of Mr. Wayne's. I collect autographs of 'Icons' who I admire (Marilyn Monroe, Bill Hicks, Queen, The Beatles etc.) and the date on the letter was October 12th 1974. I just happened to look up the date and one website stated this was the day Mr. Wayne was knocked out..
    (See the picture of Marisa and Duke half way down)
    Anyway, I just wanted to verify this. Not a particularly exciting reason but once I start a quest I can't stop.

    Well what can I say.
    What a lovely welcome from you all!
    I can't tell you what a difference this site was from another one I encountered. I won't mention its name here but all I can say is my question was deemed too controversial and I was told... 'We are not in the habit of verifying other websites!'
    So thank you all for restoring my faith. I certainly found the right group of people - I hope you can help me in my rather strange request - it's almost becoming an obsession now. I love a mystery!
    Kindest Regards to all,

    Hello everyone,

    New guy Mark here. I must admit I'm new to forums and I don't Twitter or Facebook, so please excuse my lack of knowledge!

    I'm a big 'Duke' fan but need your to utilize your expertise (I have to admit to joining another JW forum but have not heard back yet).

    I need your help on an important date in Mr. Wayne's life - well, important because his daughter Marisa knocked him out with a golf club and hence was known as 'Ole Nine Iron'.
    Basically, this is the question... When he was filming Rooster Cogburn in
    Sunriver, Oregon, Marisa came to visit him. A certain website claims the date he was knocked out was October 12th 1974 but can anyone verify this with a newspaper cutting or indeed, knowledge of the rather unfortunate event.
    I did contact Marisa, who sadly could not remember.
    Can anyone help me...
    Thank you
    Mark Robins