What Was The Last Western You Watched?

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  • "Triggerman" (2010)
    Terrance Hill, Paul Sorvino

    Plot : IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1726622/plotsummary)

    A drifter (Hill) comes back to the town of Holy Sand and wants to help the locals by building a hospital, but needs money. In the sequel to Doc West (not necessary but helpful to watch first), Doc West (Hill) is still in high demand as a doctor. After half the town gets hurt in a bar fight he realizes its time to open up a hospital. He turns to the only way he knows in order to make money, a poker tournament. When an evil Dutchman rides in to town, (to compete and stop West from getting the money he needs) West must decide what is more important, the money or love.

    Phantom's Review: Basically "Doc West Part 2". This film picks up immediately after the original film and follows "Doc" on a new adventure.
    This film suffers from the same flaws as the original, Lousy acting from the supporting cast and very, very light on action.
    But it has all of the same good things too. Fine acting from leads Terrance Hill and Paul Sorvino, beautiful cinematography
    and some fun humor. A low budget film to be sure, but it's not awful. It's a decent little movie. I wish it had been better, but I have
    seen much, much worse.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • One of the HBO stations aired "The Magnificent Seven" today and although I can recite the dialogue along with the actors, I sat through it again.

    I do usually notice something new. This time it was while they were digging the trench and they had their handguns off beside them and they were lying on mats to keep the dirt from them. Very professional.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • blood river with rick schroder.an ok western.on the imdb trivia of blood river it says that john wayne was offered the part with ron howard.can some confirm this.if this was true in my opinion it would have been a strange roll for him.

  • "Along The Great Divide" (1951)
    -Kirk Douglas, Virginia Mayo,Walter Brennan, John Agar

    Plot: IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0043276/)

    A U.S. Marshall and two deputies rescue a cattle rustler from a lynch mob led by a local cattle baron convinced that the rustler also killed his son.

    Phantom's Review: Well made, if unoriginal western adventure. The cast does a great job in making a mediocre script watchable.
    All the "crossing the desert" cliche's are here. Sand storms, poisoned water holes, people tuning on each other, etc. Entertaining, but not really memorable.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • "Goodnight For Justice"

    New made for TV Western (for the Hallmark Channel) starring Luke Perry. I liked it! Being a TV movie it has it's limitations, but I thought it had good characters and a good story. I heard Perry on a talk show saying that this may be the start of a series of TV movies....I hope it is.

  • Bite the Bullet-James Coburn, Ben Johnson, & Gene Hackman-one of my favorite westerns. Nice chemistry with the stars.

  • I always liked the MacMurray westerns he did in the 50s. Nice change of pace for him-like James Stewart-and I thought he did fine. Face of a Fugitive was pretty good overall IMHO.

  • Of course, you're right. It's my hangup about MacMurray that colors my enjoyment. I just can't picture him without Uncle Bub or dithering around a lab making Flubber. Oddly, I find him an effective actor in film noir or "The Apartment", but he seems out of place in a western.

    We deal in lead, friend.