Sands Of Iwo Jima (1949)

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Dec 8 2005, 11:59 PM
    Hopefully in your country this may be the case.


    Hi keith,
    It is not the case of my country. In the Bible it is written the same.

  • Hi,

    This film was reviewed as a special review, not long back,
    so to bring it line with our current review strategy,
    I'll post the full scenerio.




    Plot Summary

    After his wife takes their son and leaves him, Sgt. John Stryker is an embittered man who takes his misery out on the men under his command. They're a bunch of green recruits who have a hard time dealing with Stryker's tough drills and thicker skin. Even his old friends start to wonder if he's gone from being the epitome of the tough Marine drill instructor to a man over the edge.

    Full Cast

    James Edward Grant (screenplay) and
    Harry Brown (screenplay)

    Cast (in credits order) verified as complete
    John Wayne .... Sgt. John M. Stryker
    John Agar .... Pfc. Peter Conway
    Adele Mara .... Allison Bromley
    Forrest Tucker .... Pfc. Al Thomas
    Wally Cassell .... Pfc. Benny Regazzi
    James Brown .... Pfc. Charlie Bass
    Richard Webb .... Pfc. Dan Shipley
    Arthur Franz .... Cpl. Robert Dunne/Narrator
    Julie Bishop .... Mary
    James Holden .... Pfc. Soames
    Peter Coe .... Pfc. George Hellenpolis
    Richard Jaeckel .... Pfc. Frank Flynn
    William Murphy .... Pfc. Eddie Flynn (as Bill Murphy)
    George Tyne .... Pfc. Harris
    Hal Baylor .... Pvt. 'Sky' Choynski (as Hal Fieberling)
    John McGuire .... Capt. Joyce
    Martin Milner .... Pvt. Mike McHugh
    Leonard Gumley .... Pvt. Sid Stein
    William Self .... Pvt. L.D. Fowler Jr.
    David M. Shoup .... Himself (as Col. D.M. Shoup, U.S.M.C.)
    H.P. Crowe .... Himself (as Lt. Col. H.P. Crowe, U.S.M.C.)
    Harold G. Schrier .... Himself (as Capt. Harold G. Schrier, U.S.M.C.)
    Rene A. Gagnon .... Himself (as Pfc. Rene A. Gagnon)
    Ira H. Hayes .... Himself (as Pfc. Ira H. Hayes)
    John H. Bradley .... Himself (as PM 3/c John H. Bradley)
    rest of cast listed alphabetically:
    David Clarke .... Wounded Marine (uncredited)
    Bruce Edwards .... Marine (uncredited)
    Dorothy Ford .... Tall girl (uncredited)
    Don Haggerty .... Colonel in staff car (uncredited)
    Gil Herman .... Lt. Baker (uncredited)
    I. Stanford Jolley .... Forrestal (uncredited)
    Dickie Jones .... Scared Marine (uncredited)
    Dick Wessel .... Grenade instructor (uncredited)
    John Whitney .... Lt. Thompson (uncredited)


    Fred Graham .... stunt double (uncredited)
    Don Nagel .... stunts (uncredited)
    Terry Wilson .... stunt double (uncredited)

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Trivia


    * In one scene, combat veteran Sgt. Stryker (John Wayne) instructs bumbling recruit Pvt. Choynski (Hal Baylor) on the correct way to march and hold a rifle. In real life Baylor was an ex-Marine who fought in the horrific battles of Saipan and Tinian in WW II; Wayne had never spent a day in the military in his life.

    * The three men who were part of the flag raising (made famous by the photograph Joe Rosenthal had taken) and survived the battle for Iwo Jima, were part of the movie with John Wayne. Rene A. Gagnon, Ira H. Hayes and John H. Bradley are seen with Wayne as he instructed them to hoist the flag (Wayne gave the folded flag to Gagnon).

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Goofs


    * Continuity: After Sgt. Stryker dances with Choynski, he stands a little way from Choynski. The next shot shows them both side by side.

    * Revealing mistakes: When Pfc. Thomas goes for more ammo and stops for coffee, the coffee is being brewed in a helmet over an open fire. He hands over his metal cup, and the fellow by the fire holds it in his bare hand as he fills it from the helmet.

    From The Ringo Kid


    One more blooper I noticed in Sands of Iwo Jima was when the Marines were in the Landing Craft and in the one with John Wayne & Co in it on the front inside you see a message in white that says: "It's Too late To Worry Now" and if you notice that in different takes, the same words are there but the phrase is broken up differently.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Quote

    Originally posted by ethanedwards@Dec 29 2005, 02:16 AM

    After his wife takes their son and leaves him, Sgt. John Stryker is an embittered man who takes his misery out on the men under his command. John Agar .... )


    Hi Keith,
    I can't agree with that. When he is teaching this green man he is trying his best one way or another and he make from them a great squadron. His personal problems influence his free time, when he drink hard.

  • Hi Senta

    I totally agree with you from the moment Duke is training his men in New Zealand to the time he is preventing them throwing their lives away trying to rescue their wounded colleague, Wayne shows the highest regard for his platoon.

    The reviewer wasn't very sure of the plot, or he hadn't seen the film.

    Of the survivors of the flag raising ceromony.

    After leaving the army Ira Hayes drifted, he was befriended by the actor Iron Eyes Cody but still was unable to settle. Returning to his reservation he began drinking heavilly and on January 24th, 12 days after his 32nd birthday he died from asphixiation having drowned in a pool of water.

    Rene Gagnon also struggled to come to terms and after working as a janitor on 12th October he died from a heart attack a disillusioned man.

    John H Bradley died 11 January aged 71 his son wrote the book Flags of Our Fathers detail the flag raising ceremony.



    Walk Tall - Talk Low

  • Hi Arthur,
    Thank you for the comment and very interesting information. It is sad things about flag raisers. Not only Stryker had to fight his personal problems.

  • Hi Vera,
    Arthur is quite right to point out that this is the
    reviewers, point of view.!
    I actually believe, that Styker was a
    compassionate man, and cared about
    the welfare of his men.
    He was hard on them
    so that they were,aware, sharp,
    and focussed, in battle.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • More Goofs for the film,

    Here are a couple itdo posted in the Bloopers thread,

    Factual error: During the scene where Stryker is fighting with Forrest Tucker, an officers staff car pulls up. The car appears to be a 1946 or later Dodge or Plymouth, which was not yet manufactured.

    And another thing about Iwo Jima: Wayne gets killed, he lies on his back. Then comes the shot of Forrest Tucker, looking down at him. Tuckers POV: Stryker is now lying on his belly. Somebody must've turned him over, right? (probably the guys from the FIRST flagraising on Surabachi, if you know what I mean :) )

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • I read Bradleys book and it was one of the best books I've ever read. It will affect you like no other. About Ira Hayes, most of his problems stemmed from the fact that he could never get over the loss of so many friends on Iwo and the fact that he lived and became famous because of the flag raising. When he and the others were brought home to go on a war bond tour, he didn't like it. He thought he was undeserving of being hailed a hero when he had friends buried on the island. He eventually begged to be let off the our and go back to active duty. I think he was wishing that he would also die so the pain of loss and sorrow would be taken off him.
    Gagnon, on the other hand, loved the fame it brought him and always thought that he deserved more and a better way of life because of that one moment in time. He never achieved it. Like you said, he ended up a janitor when he wished for status and fame.
    Bradley is probably the only one who put it all into perspective. He never talked about his part in the flag raising or even his heroism on Iwo Jima. He kept it all to himself, even his nightmares. Whenever his wife, kids or, friends asked about Iwo, all he would say, "it was a job I had to do along with alot of other guys a long time ago". If you haven't read the book, do so, it's absolutely fantastic and with Eastwood directing the film version, it should be a big hit.

    P.S. I you want to see a photo of the flag raising scene from the movie, go to and click on the photo bar and you'll see it. It looks so much like the real thing it's uncanny. Eastwood has it down to a T.

  • Memorable Quotes

    Officer giving the preinvasion briefing: Now, nobody knows exactly what they've got on this island,
    but they've had forty years to put it there

    Pfc. Al Thomas: That's war.
    Pfc. Charlie Bass: What's war?
    Pfc. Al Thomas: Trading real estate for men.

    [During live fire training a Marine recruit accidently lets a grenade slip out of his hand
    and it rolls toward an unsuspecting platoon waiting their turn]
    Sgt. Stryker: Grenade. Hit the deck.
    [The platoon runs, except for Conway, who is reading a love letter
    and has to be tackled to safety by Stryker when the grenade goes off]
    Sgt. Stryker: You idiot. When are you gonna wake up? You wanna see that dame again, keep your mind on your work.
    Al Thomas: You may not know this, boy, but you just got your life saved.

    Sergeant Stryker: SADDLE UP.


    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Another good book about some of the pilots that flew missions around the time of Iwo Jima that was written by Bradley is "Flyboys". It also has a nice side story about a pilot named George H. W. Bush.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • This movie was on yesterday. I don't own it yet but it will definitely be included in the next group of Duke adventures I order. What stands out in my mind is the sound quality of the machine gun fire. It is excellent. Next time you watch this one, be sure and turn the sound way up.

  • I watched Iwo in honor of Duke's Birthday on friday. It just gets better with every viewing

    John Bernard Books (The Shootist):
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them."

  • With permission, I share with you Clive Woollands' Film Facts for this fine film ~

    Its that time again friends for another film fact. This time it is for the classic war film, Sands of Iwo Jima.

    Producer: Edmund Grainger, Screenplay: Harry Brown, James Edward
    Grant, Cinematographer: Reggie Lanning, Art Director: James Sullivan,
    Editor: Richard L Van Enger, Distribution: Republic Pictures,
    Location: California, Cost of Production: $1 million, Box office
    takings (US): $3.9 million, Date of production: 1949.

    Harry Brown won an Oscar for his screenplay for war film A Walk in the Sun (1945). He'd written for John Wayne once before, Wake of the Red Witch (1948). He went on to write the screenplay for the original version of Ocean 11 (1960).

    Richard Jaeckel, who played Private Frank Flynn, went on to star in another classic war movie. He was Sergeant Bowren in The Dirty Dozen (1967).

    Despite rating him as one of the four best directors he ever worked with, John Wayne never made another film with director Allen Dwan. Dwan continued directing until the early 1960's. He died on 30th December 1981 at the age of 96.

  • It would have been interesting to see Allan Dwan direct John Wayne in another film.
    I guess the story of Sands of Iwo Jima is pretty special but another film would have confirmed whether they worked as a team.

    Forrest Tucker, Richard Jaeckel and John Agar all starred with Duke again in Chisum.

    John Agar's part as the storekeeper is a blink and you miss him part like Big Jake.
