Miracle, currently dry
How's The Weather
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Raining but warm....supposed to be in the 70s todays....unheard of around here at this time of the year!
back to the rain again
Slightly cool but humid as heck.
Rain, rain,rain.
I t can do what it wants for the rest of the month,
as I'm off to North Africa -
Heat and humidity--what else is new? So much for Winter even if were getting a cold breeze in later today.
no rain today cloudy and cold
Dare I say it!! It's dry so far!
Cool and thick as PEA SOUP!
another day of rain rain and rain
Cold Front blew through around 4 am and we had some wet stuff which came down heavy for a short while. :-))
Cloudy freezing cold with snow predicted around three o clock.
Dry and cold
COLD--at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-))
Dry and Cold,
but I'm off to warmer places,
so it can now rain as much as it likes!! -
Surprise Surprise the predicted snow didn't materialise instead it is very sunny and bitterly cold but as my wife and I are staying in all day that is fine.
dry,fog and cold
In north Texas it has been bitterly cold for 8 or 10 days but we've only had 1 or 2 days of light snow all winter.
Decently cold today with light drizzle but, tomorrow is supposed to eb even better--ala--colder and rain!!!!!!!!!!!! However, "we'll" see-we'll see.
They say this is an improvement but--not to me. The skies are blue--no clouds--and the heat is rapidly returning.
Kinda reminds me of a poem that John Wayne said in an episode of Laugh In: "The Sky is blue, the grass is green, the hell with them, join the Marines" :lol: