Great movie, ha ha!! they couldn't even have a
location shot from the window,
just an endless conveyer belt of the same
plastic cars on and on and on.... yuk!!
You are of course most welcome to your opinion Keither. Don't think you should phrase it in such a way as to try to make others look a little less intelligent than they are, LOL!
Some of us really enjoyed this movie. Kind of like Pappy putting the same Monument Valley scenes miles from where they were before. We won't even talk about N to A. OK, it wasn't an Oscar winner, just an enjoyable, exciting at times movie. The guys I knew said they really DID put out oil well fires in the way they did it. At least they must have had a really good info man. If guys that do this for a living like it....must be something about it that is right. Anyway, have a nice night, Keith2