Hellfighters (1969)

There are 128 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 133,197 times. The latest Post () was by Aubrey.

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  • Great movie, ha ha!! they couldn't even have a
    location shot from the window,
    just an endless conveyer belt of the same
    plastic cars on and on and on.... yuk!!

    You are of course most welcome to your opinion Keither. Don't think you should phrase it in such a way as to try to make others look a little less intelligent than they are, LOL!
    Some of us really enjoyed this movie. Kind of like Pappy putting the same Monument Valley scenes miles from where they were before. We won't even talk about N to A. OK, it wasn't an Oscar winner, just an enjoyable, exciting at times movie. The guys I knew said they really DID put out oil well fires in the way they did it. At least they must have had a really good info man. If guys that do this for a living like it....must be something about it that is right. Anyway, have a nice night, Keith2

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • You are of course most welcome to your opinion Keither. Don't think you should phrase it in such a way as to try to make others look a little less intelligent than they are, LOL!

    Well the folks who made the movie, obviously didn't use much intelligence when they shot those joke scenes!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Well the folks who made the movie, obviously didn't use much intelligence when they shot those joke scenes!!

    Remember I've never seen it so watching it on Blu ray for my first viewing will give it the best chance. Honestly, I'm surprised at its ratings on Amazon all 5 stars and one 4 stars, better than some of Duke's better known films.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • Well the folks who made the movie, obviously didn't use much intelligence when they shot those joke scenes!!

    Perhaps you should focus on the entire movie and the scenes that count, like the fire fighting ones instead of some silly background cars. As we know, all movies have mistakes in them. This happens to be a very highly regarded film. Guess the people who rate them were more interested in what the movie was about. HAH, when I posted that the info man must have really known what he was doing, I had forgotten it was Red Adair....THE expert and the movie was loosely based on his life. Way to go Peter. Will be a real shame if you finally get to watch it and don't like it, LOL! Keith

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Perhaps you should focus on the entire movie and the scenes that count, like the fire fighting ones instead of some silly background cars. As we know, all movies have mistakes in them. This happens to be a very highly regarded film. Guess the people who rate them were more interested in what the movie was about. HAH, when I posted that the info man must have really known what he was doing, I had forgotten it was Red Adair....THE expert and the movie was loosely based on his life. Way to go Peter. Will be a real shame if you finally get to watch it and don't like it, LOL! Keith

    I thought you also wanted folks to say negative things as well?? Perhaps not?
    The great things about this board is we all have an opinion and we allow members theirs.

    This movie I might add, is not that highly regarded by all.
    The action shots are great but the movie that surrounds them is just awful.
    It's badly acted and in my opinion, not one of the stars comes out with any credit.

    It is also the 'silly things' that diminish the real heroics,
    and the movie is dragged down as a result of them.
    How could they film live oil fires and surround them with 'cheap' scenes
    By the way I will focus on movies in anyway I chose!

  • Hmm, my last post must not have gone through. Of course negative things are always appreciated as they start conversations instead of just reading about what the net says. And you got one heck of one going, LOL. Just hope Peter likes the MOVIE when he gets it!
    I liked all the characters and enjoyed their interactions. All in all, the movie was most pleasant to me and very exciting. Sorry that you found it so awful. However there are a great many out there for you to enjoy, so not to worry. Keith2

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Jay C. Flippen He&#1.jpg

    Bet you never expected Uncle Jack of Hellfighters, (Jay C. Flippen) to be doing the below.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbrnXl2gO_k Watch it all....he is in the end too.

    I didn't know him, but I sure did know Gordon Macrae. He was my golfing buddy, LOL. KEITH