Great photo, great kick Duke

The Cowboys (1972)
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SUPER photo Larry....thanks so much! Keith2
Here are a few to augment Larry's fine photos.
Duke looks annoyed!!!
Duke looks annoyed!!!
He wasn't annoyed, he was scared to death because he let that young child get up on Crazy Alice! If you will notice behind him are three of the larger boys. But, he was pure de old POed in the picture before the drink with Slim Pickens scene because all his hands were going to hunt for gold and leave him stranded with his herd. Now THAT is an annoyed look, LOL, KEITH
He and Liz Taylor had pretty much the same color eyes, and like her, his were VERY expressive, and piercing.
Here are a few to augment Larry's fine photos.
I've never seen this shot before. I love it! Thanks, Gorch.
LOL, when he told little Hardy to go rope a calf, I just knew there was going to be some kind of hilarious accident......Not Hardly. That tiny little fellah shot his horse after the calf, Hardy roped him, got down and kept the rope tight, in case his horse stepped up, then grabbed him by the ear and flipped him down right on top of him! He wasn't a JR. calf roping champ for nothing.......later after his brief movie career including another movie with Duke, he became the men's world champion! What a movie! KEITH Thanks for the pics yall![/QUOTE]
Another of my favorites --