The Fighting Seabees (1944)

There are 54 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 58,478 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • Regarding the black and white photograph in relation to the filming locations, this seems to depict a western, should this be here?

    Hi Robbie, yes it should, as the photo is in the locations
    section of the profile, and does not state it is from the movie.
    It's been on this review for over 4 years!!
    It shows how the movies were made there,
    and The Fighting Seabees was one of them.

    Here's one from a different angle, and probably from the film

    Please take a look at the link, for your information
    Click here
    Iverson Ranch, Chatsworth, Los Angeles, California,

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 12 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Thanks Keith, But I just HATE it when Duke gets killed! I almost had a heart attack at the end of IWO JIMA, and I about died when I heard them say, "Saddle up"!

    Veterianian friend of mine was on the first wave at Iwo. He was shot in the ankle as soon as he got off the LCV. His foot was never right after his injury, but.....HE made it back! Just wish they wouldn't kill Duke off!


    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Just watched this last night. Nice pic, Larry. Funny, how now..........when I go to a page it is in the middle of the thread. Read where someone said they had just watched was signed
    CHILIBILL. Goosebumps, yep! Or maybe he was just saying Hi to old Keith. I think the page problem is it doesn't keep me signed in anymore. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE