Angel And The Badman (1947)

There are 130 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 138,629 times. The latest Post () was by lasbugas.

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  • I did, and I did not Care that Much for it !
    I put a Post up over on "The Last Western That I Watch" and told what "The New Angel and the Badman" was like !!
    Maybe You Might want to move my Post Over Here ?

  • Maybe You Might want to move my Post Over Here?

    Actually, I copied it over to here, since it was also appropriate to post it in the "Last Western You Watched" thread! Because you posted it earlier this morning, it appears above, in time order :wink_smile:.

    Thanks, Bill, for letting us know a little more about it. The previews looked kind of "flashy" like there were some special effects. What was the building on fire that was in the preview? Obviously, that wasn't in the original.

    Chester :newyear:

  • It wasn't too bad. But no match to the original. Not even close. Luke Perry did a good job and Lou Diamond Phillips wasn't too bad, either. But the girl who played Temperance was awful in my opinion. She played the part very weakly. Like Bill, I got it taped, but don't know when I'll give it another watch. I give it a 6 out of 10.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Brendon Wayne was ok. He didn't stand out, yet didn't stink either. I guess he didn't embarrass his Grandpop. :wink_smile:

    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • I just watched the original again after not having seen it for years. It really is a lovely film. I know its about as close to a chick flick as John Wayne made but it was fun. I know all the rubbish talked about John Wayne not being able to act but they don't talk much about his comic timing which many a so called good actor can't do and the Duke is great in this one. His reactions to the "other" suitor when he is churning the icecream are very funny, as he is with then baby. Gail Russell was just beautiful and Penelope really was a heroine who had some gumption. Just because she was good does not mean she was a little wimp. She sure had Quirt under control.

    They also had some nice moments. Quirt was wearing a black hat when he seduces Penny. He is back to wearing a white hat when he is feeling guilty about it and proposes. The black hat returns when he goes off to kill Laredo.

    Noticed also with the horses John Wayne is riding Banner throughout the film. In the scene where Quirt holds the basket full of donuts while the neighbour mounts, Banner is having a fine old feast of donuts. His head is stuck in the basket then you can see him eating. John Wayne does not stop him so I guess it must be intentional, part of the jokes about food

    And Harry Carey was great. Great chemistry with him and John Wayne on screen. Its a pity they did not do more.

    There were some good references to other films that John Wayne made. They had characters. Hondo and McClintock. I assume the other film was called McClintock as a tribute to Harry Carey. They also mentioned Casa Verde where Cherry Valance in Red River came from. The stolen herd of cattle came from there.


    Edited 2 times, last by tinker ().

  • You cannot replace an original. I am sure the Coen brothers will find the same thing with TRUE GRIT re-make.

    :film: " When the legend becomes fact print the legend"

  • One reason I like John Wayne so much is that he was terrific with the ladies. Maureen O'Hara most of all, but his other leading ladies too.

    Like...Gail Russell in Angel and the Badman.

    The Duke really knew how to kiss a girl. *sigh*

    And this one just because I like it. :) A classic John Wayne pose.

    OK, one more with Gail. :)

    Edited once, last by Paula ().

  • i agree with you paula. john wayne epitomises everything that a real man should be :)
    and i love those photos

    "Sorry don t get it done, Dude" (Rio Bravo)

    Hooked on The Duke

  • I had thought there was a thread for the upcoming remake of Angel and the Badman, but I can't seem to find it. At any rate, I can across a web article saying that it a Hallmark Channel production, starring Lou Diamond Phillips in the Quirt Evans role, and it is supposed to air March 4th. As I don't have cable, satellite or even a TV antennae, I won't be watching it. But if anyone is interested, here is the link:

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • I had thought there was a thread for the upcoming remake of Angel and the Badman, but I can't seem to find it. At any rate, I can across a web article saying that it a Hallmark Channel production, starring Lou Diamond Phillips in the Quirt Evans role, and it is supposed to air March 4th. As I don't have cable, satellite or even a TV antennae, I won't be watching it. But if anyone is interested, here is the link:

    July 3rd, 2009

    Pretty neat article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Another Wayne defers to Duke, about Brendan Wayne. Among other things, the article gives a little peek into the life of John Wayne as a grandfather, something we rarely hear about.

    The movie [remake of Angel and the Badman, with Brendan in the cast] is scheduled to premiere on the Hallmark Channel on Sunday, July 5. Sheer curiosity, along with the fact that Duke's grandson is in the movie, would possibly move me to watch it. This is one time I wish we had cable TV.

    Chester :newyear:

    Thanks for your post, so I carried out a search,
    and it was discussed in this the original movie thread,
    For the sake of continuity I have therefore moved your post.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 3 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • [quote='Colorado Bob','']I had thought there was a thread for the upcoming remake of Angel and the Badman, but I can't seem to find it. At any rate, I can across a web article saying that it a Hallmark Channel production, starring Lou Diamond Phillips in the Quirt Evans role, and it is supposed to air March 4th.

    I saw this remake quite some time ago, at least 6 months. As expected, it's a VERY poor job, but they DID try. Phillips was Ok, but the Low budget, bad acting, etc killed it. I watched until the bar fight-I was surprised they could afford a bar set-and had to finally turn it off.

  • I found a DVD of Angel and the Badman with a better picture than my first DVD, so I redid the screencaps. That is... I did all the action sequences (my fave movie cowboy Ben Johnson doubled for John Wayne in the riding scenes) plus this time I did dozens of pics of John Wayne and Gail Russell and the other actors and anything else I found visually interesting. The total is 379 pictures. Go here to find the album with all the pics:

    Here are a few of the screencaps. Shutterfly