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  • "The Black Swan" (1942)
    -Tyrone Power, Maureen O'Hara

    Plot: IMDB
    Soon after Sir Henry Morgan is named Governor of Jamaica in 1674, he announces that the age of the pirate is over and asks his former captains to give up their ways and sail for England. Not everyone agrees and one in particular, Captain Leech, refuses. He does accept an offer however from English aristocrat Roger Ingram who provides him with sailing information in an attempt to unseat the newly appointed Governor. In an effort to thwart Ingram's plans, former pirate Captain Jamie Waring kidnaps Lady Margaret Denby, the previous Governor's daughter.

    Phantom's Review: This early 40's Technicolor film is one of the all time great swashbuckling pirate adventures. Filled with spectacular fight scenes( both sword fighting and ship battles) excellent model FX, wonderful acting and a gorgeous leading lady.
    Tyrone Power is at his best
    A classic .

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • Legend of the Lost This is one of the few Wayne movies I had not seen. Words fail me. I just kept looking at his hair trying to decide if he was or wasn't wearing his toupee.