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  • Friends of Eddie Coyle- Robert Mitchum; Dick Cavett's Robert Michum interview from around 1970; Another Steed and Mrs.Peel Avengers episode.

  • Major Crimes

    One of both me and my wives favorite shows. But they really ticked me off by making the kid, Rusty, be gay. If his character was gay from the beginning, no problem. But last season, the kid was straight. He was seeing this girl from school and they had really hit it off. Now, half way through this season, he's gay. I think the producers are doing this because it's the cool thing to do now.

  • One of both me and my wives favorite shows. But they really ticked me off by making the kid, Rusty, be gay. If his character was gay from the beginning, no problem. But last season, the kid was straight. He was seeing this girl from school and they had really hit it off. Now, half way through this season, he's gay. I think the producers are doing this because it's the cool thing to do now.

    I Also Like This Show,But Surely After The Producers Made Rusty Gay That They Have A Good Story Line Made Up For Him.At The Moment In Season 3 He Is Just Around Doing Nothing