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  • 'Mystery At The Wax Museum" (1933)
    -Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray

    Plot: IMDB
    In London, sculptor Ivan Igor struggles in vain to prevent his partner Worth from burning his wax museum...and his 'children.' Years later, Igor starts a new museum in New York, but his maimed hands confine him to directing lesser artists. People begin disappearing (including a corpse from the morgue); Igor takes a sinister interest in Charlotte Duncan, fiancée of his assistant Ralph, but arouses the suspicions of Charlotte's roommate, wisecracking reporter Florence.

    Phantoms Review: Fun, but minor horror classic. One of the few times , that the Remake (House Of Wax with Vincent Price) was better. (in my opinion), But this is still an enjoyable film. Lionel Atwill is wonderfully mad, Fay Wray is as gorgeous as ever and actress Glenda Farrell is a blast as the tough talking female reporter trying to break a big story. Snappy 1930's dialogue, gothic atmosphere and an entertaining story.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town

  • 'Mad Max: Fury Road' (2015)
    -Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron

    Plot? What plot? Who needs a plot.

    Phantom's Review: Absolutely INSANE! The most intense, ball breaking, ass kicking action film I think I have ever seen. The plot is virtually non existent, but who cares! The acting is good, the lines of dialog (what little there is) aren't laughable and the film delivers exactly what it promises, two solid hours of non stop action. Loved it.

    They'd never forget the day,the stranger rode into town