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  • By the way Bill of PA, just for historical fact--there were many many Hispanics and Blacks--who served for the Confederacy. Check out this site: www.flatfenders.com/scv/bc.htm The Black Confederates site was started by someone who is also a member of the Sons of Confederates. I am not yet one but fully intend on joining. The only Sons of i belong to right now--are the Sons of Norway.[/QUOTE]

    I also have all the respect in the world for you.
    I do know blacks served for the south. For the most part as cooks laborers and man servants. The south recuited blacks to fight only when they started to lose the war, with the promise of freedom.
    PS. Before anyone wants to label me let me state I,am a card carring member of the GOP. I do study The Civil War as my Great,Great grandfather fought at Gettysburg.
    This thread gets more people hot then a ex-member who thinks he is Gods gift to John Wayne.
    One more thing.
    Look out for the next and maybe the best JW birthday bach this year at Winterset. Can't say want but when its time Wayne will fill in the details.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

    Edited once, last by BILL OF PA ().

  • This thread gets more people hot then a ex-member who thinks he is Gods gift to John Wayne.
    One more thing.
    Look out for the next and maybe the best JW birthday bach this year at Win terset. Can't say want but when its time Wayne will fill in the details.

    Thanks for this Bill, and yes the thread does get heated.
    However we the admin run with the thread,
    but draw the line about politics spilling over into other threads.
    We opt for the policy if it's too hot in here,
    get out and leave well alone!!
    However whatever our members politics and views are,
    we must always remember that all are fellow Duke Wayne fans,
    and as such still treated as friends.
    I would be sad indeed, if any members were to become inactive
    as a result of posts and comments made and said in this thread.

    I would only make one guess to which ex-member to whom you are referring.
    Thanks for the update on Winterset, look forward to more news.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 3 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Oh, so THAT is what happened. Been wondering all along. That is ridiculous after all that time. Think I will go back and see what happened. How in the world could it have been that bad?


    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • Well, I can't imagine WHO it might be, since I'M obviously God's gift to this site, and I'm still here!!!


    No count yourself out Russ.
    This ex-member is not inactive because of this thread,
    it's because he chose to be.
    He thought he was the total BEING of all things Duke!.
    All the rest of us were not entitled to an opinion!
    If he didn't know about it, then he it didn't happen.
    If the movie wasn't in his filmography then Duke wasn't in it,
    even if this board had proof, from various sources.
    I think that is the ex-member Bill??

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Right on target.
    The three times I have meet him. I tried to be nice.
    That was like trying to make friends with a alligator.
    He once tried to have Joe Zuke removed as head of the John Wayne birthplace because he objected to something Chester did at Winterset a few years back.

    ''baby sister i was born game and intend to go out that way.''

  • Right on target.
    The three times I have meet him. I tried to be nice.
    That was like trying to make friends with a alligator.
    He once tried to have Joe Zuke removed as head of the John Wayne birthplace because he objected to something Chester did at Winterset a few years back.

    Thanks Bill, I just knew it.
    I/we had a run in with him here, a few years back
    and we were glad when he went.
    He sure was and still is, a nasty piece of work.
    I am also aware of the Chester saga,
    but was unaware the little creep was after Joe's head!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited once, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Thanks, Keith!

    I went in at 7:00 this morning to have 4 teeth removed, BUT because of my malignant hypertension, they couldn't risk pulling more than 2, as they were right next to each other. It was dangerously close to stroke level. Sadly, that's not the highest it's ever been.

    I was frustrated, and I could tell the Dr. was also. Because of my status (no insurance), I have to go to the Free Medical Clinic in Oak Ridge (who referred me to the dentist), which is located in a Methodist church where I used to sing for special services, AND where I went to Boy Scouts. The congregation shrank to nothing, so it was given to the city. The result: it's been converted (in part) into this magnificent clinic.

    The point is: this dentist the clinic referred me to is doing this PRO BONO! I was supposed to have it done (by him) at the hospital, being able to be knocked out, but unless it's an emergent situation, I couldn't be approved.

    Interesting side note about this church/clinic: It's about a 1/2 mile down the street from my childhood home, and where dad lived until he died 10 years ago. We owned the house for 39 years!

    Anyway...I have to go back Dec 5 to have the other 2 extracted. My health is...ok. I have my SSI hearing on the 27th, and I SHOULD be approved...

  • Know about the teeth bit and hypertension, Russ. For the teeth, because of my athletics, I had about 12 root canals before I was out of high school, LOL. Spent a fortune on them even WITH insurance. If I take my pills, the hypertension is OK......just don't want to have to buy them, LOL!

    Hope your SSI comes in. About to call to see if my SS was approved...better be...paid into it all my life! Will be nice having a for sure check coming in every month! Luck to you, KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE

  • By the way Bill of PA, just for historical fact--there were many many Hispanics and Blacks--who served for the Confederacy. Check out this site: www.flatfenders.com/scv/bc.htm The Black Confederates site was started by someone who is also a member of the Sons of Confederates. I am not yet one but fully intend on joining. The only Sons of i belong to right now--are the Sons of Norway.

    I also have all the respect in the world for you.
    I do know blacks served for the south. For the most part as cooks laborers and man servants. The south recuited blacks to fight only when they started to lose the war, with the promise of freedom.
    PS. Before anyone wants to label me let me state I,am a card carring member of the GOP. I do study The Civil War as my Great,Great grandfather fought at Gettysburg.
    This thread gets more people hot then a ex-member who thinks he is Gods gift to John Wayne.
    One more thing.
    Look out for the next and maybe the best JW birthday bach this year at Winterset. Can't say want but when its time Wayne will fill in the details.

    Hi Bill and thank you. Also, to expand a bit more on the above, Blacks in the CS Military were actually fighting on the front lines when t \eh war started. General Lee's personal Cook--a freed Slave--was his personal cook throughout the war and was favored by not only him but Generals like: Stuart, Jackson and the ususals you always read about. When he became Lees cook, General Lee made him a Sergeant and he was paid the same wages any other Sergeant was paid ;-))

    Im not affiliated with the Dems or Reps as of a few years ago. I joined the Constitution Party. All they believe in and want--is for the USA to get back to following our original laws. ;-))

    I vote for both sides if the person I think is best for the job. I cant stand it if some only vote straight party lines--that's not a fair thing to do--unless of course--all those on the other side at that time--are just no good.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Forgot to mention, General Lee's chef's last name--is Lee ;-)) After the war--he collected money and attended College and also became a Preacher with his own Church--and most of his crop--were whites ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    This is a true story and the author, Rick Mathes, is a well-known leader in
    prison ministry.

    "The man who walks with God always gets to his destination."

    The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the
    United States , especially in the minority races!!

    Last month I attended my annual training session that's required for
    maintaining my state prison security clearance.

    During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers
    representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths,
    who each explained their beliefs. I was particularly interested in
    what the Islamic had to say.

    The Muslim gave a great presentation of the basics of Islam, complete
    with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions
    and answers. When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim
    and asked:

    "Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that most Imams and
    clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels
    of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all
    Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven."

    "If that's the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?"

    There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation,
    he replied, "Non-believers!"

    I responded, "So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of
    Allah are taught that to kill anyone who is not of your faith will assure them
    of a place in heaven. Is that correct?"

    He replied, "Yes."

    I then stated, "Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine The Pope
    commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith, or Dr.Stanley ordering
    all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!"

    The Muslim was silent.

    I continued, "I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your
    brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question:
    Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to
    go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to
    heaven and He wants you to be there with me?"

    You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam looked away without a comment.

    Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the 'Diversification' training
    seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and
    exposing the truth about the Muslims' beliefs.

    In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the

    I think everyone in the U.S. should be required to read this, but with the
    ACLU, there is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends
    it on! This is your chance to make a difference...

    FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. . . . SEND THIS ON . . . :angel:

  • Quote

    In twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the

    Which will be considerably better than rabid extreme right Christians electing the President as happened when Bush was elected.

    Which means that religion should be kept out of politics. And no-one of any faith or no faith should be demonised because of their religious beliefs

    Most Muslims (like most Christians, and Jews and any other religion) are just ordinary people worried about family , making a living and extremists of all faiths creating wars.

    I am neither Muslim or American. I just like John Wayne.

  • I assume that Rick Mathes story is making the rounds of all the right-wing websites and e-mail lists.

    Not too surprisingly, the truth about it is somewhat different than what is posted here, starting with that the person giving the presentation about Islam was an inmate at the prison, not an imam.

    Here's what really happened, at snopes.com.
