High Noon (1952)

There are 22 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 37,322 times. The latest Post () was by Aubrey.

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  • This article, published today 1 April 2023, goes over a lot of old ground, but contains footage of Duke accepting the Oscar on Coop’s behalf. In what the article describes as as “a pointed but charming speech”.

    Furious John Wayne blasted biggest Hollywood rival's 'degrading' film
    John Wayne didn't just make films, he passionately defended the purity of his beloved Western and war movies. The Duke furiously attacked anyone he thought was…

  • I think the article is trying to stir up trouble for no reason. Yes…Duke didn’t like the message behind “High Noon”…neither did Howard Hawks and it’s been surmised that “Rio Bravo” was their reply though with little evidence. Whether he agreed with the message of “”High Noon” he was proud to accept the Academy Award for his friend…Duke was too professional to do otherwise.

    John Wayne and Gary Cooper were not Hollywood rivals…they were great friends. John Wayne had said his greatest professional disappointment was never having made a movie together with Cooper.

    "It was me...I shot Liberty Valance."

  • I think the article is trying to stir up trouble for no reason. Yes…Duke didn’t like the message behind “High Noon”…neither did Howard Hawks and it’s been surmised that “Rio Bravo” was their reply though with little evidence. Whether he agreed with the message of “”High Noon” he was proud to accept the Academy Award for his friend…Duke was too professional to do otherwise.

    John Wayne and Gary Cooper were not Hollywood rivals…they were great friends. John Wayne had said his greatest professional disappointment was never having made a movie together with Cooper.

    Cooper strongly rejected an offer to star in "The Far Horizons" with Duke.