Audie Murphy

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  • Another little known but very good Audie Murphy western is Posse From Hell.
    Check it out if you can ever find it.
    John Huston must have thought Audie had box office lure or he probably wouldn't have cast him in The Unforgiven after the fiasco of Red Badge. I cna almost cede Burt Lancaster and Doug McClure as brothers, but Audie seems to be the dark haired runt of the litter. As others have noted, not a bad performance.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • No they didn't, one reason why The Sons of Katie Elder was nowhere near as good as Rio Bravo. Stewart should have taken Anthony Mann's advice and forgotten about Night Passage, his worst weetern of the 1950s.

  • I'll take a worst Stewart western over most other "good" westerns. I also enjoyed The Unforgiven, and thought Murphy gave one of his top performances, if not THE top performance of his career. As for heights, those are easily disguised by camera angles and such. Duke and Clift had a believable fight in Red River inspite of their height differences.

  • It was a shame that Stewart fell out with Mann for the rest of his life over a piece of crap like Night Passage. They had made five good westerns together and Stewart would probably have made Man of the West and The Tin Star with him, but for that fall out.

  • I liked Fonda in Tin Star, so I have no problem with that, but Man of the West would have been much better with Stewart. Coop was great and did the best he could, but he was just too old for the character. The script should have been rewritten to compensate for that, but wasn't. Still a good western, but shoulda been better.

  • Too bad that Audie died before getting his chance to play the Scorpio killer in Dirty Harry.
    Director Don Siegel was considering casting the baby faced actor as the villain, but after Audie's demise, he went another way with Andy Robinson.
    Notice Scorpio's military style boots along with his peace sign belt buckle, which I think are remnants of what Siegel had in mind for Murphy.

    We deal in lead, friend.

  • i liked audie murphy a good actor.his best role was in the unforgiven with burt lancaster.most of his westerns are decent enough especially night passage,hell bent for leather,walk the proud land,drums across the river and so on.he is another actor that was taken well before his years.

  • Im halfway through watching Rose of Cimmaron, Audie Murphy, and couldnt believe my eyes, he is riding Jimmy Stewarts Chestnut Arab/ Q/Horse named Pie.

    Must have been before JS started riding him because i think only once did someone else use him in a movie when JS was away and when he returned and foind out he was not happy. JS rode Pie for over 20 years.

    I think he tossed Glen Ford into a tree when he rode him

  • Im halfway through watching Rose of Cimmaron, Audie Murphy, and couldnt believe my eyes, he is riding Jimmy Stewarts Chestnut Arab/ Q/Horse named Pie.

    Must have been before JS started riding him because i think only once did someone else use him in a movie when JS was away and when he returned and foind out he was not happy. JS rode Pie for over 20 years.

    I think he tossed Glen Ford into a tree when he rode him

    hi jessie would it be the cimarron kid(audie murphy) jack buetel is in rose of cimarron

  • I thought it rang a bell Ringo so i had a lok in the cupboard in case we had seen it. What i found was "Unconquered' with Gary Cooper and Paulette Goddard, i actualy didnt really like it much though.

    Audie Murphy DVD's seem to be turning up a fair bit lately in the $2 & $5 bins so we have grabbed them. We always have a quick look because often some very old and hard to get ones actually turn up.

  • I realize that I might be stepping on some toes here, but I could NOT stomach Audie Murphy.

    I "tolerated" him in the movie where he played himself "To Hell and Back," and I respect and admire him for his heroism and resulting accolades, but watching him on film is like enduring a 4th rate version of "The Music Man"

    Don't worry you're not alone! Maybe I need to watch more of his films to pass a proper judgement but on what I've seen so far I have to admit I agree with you.

    "Pour yourself some backbone and shut up!"

  • I realize that I might be stepping on some toes here, but I could NOT stomach Audie Murphy.

    I "tolerated" him in the movie where he played himself "To Hell and Back," and I respect and admire him for his heroism and resulting accolades, but watching him on film is like enduring a 4th rate version of "The Music Man"

    hi Tennesseean, give him a try in a movie called: Bad Boy. It's one of his earliest efforts and he was not only good, but VERY good--I kid you not?

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