Tombstone (1993)

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  • I agree this is one of the best westerns made without the Duke. Funny, but at various stages in his life, I can see him in almost every role.
    Her's some of the good guys --

  • "Here lies Lester Moore, Four slugs from a .44, No Les No more." There is an actual tombstone in Tombstone, Arizona that has that epitaph.""
    I first saw this epitaph in the Virginia City, Nevada Cemetery in approx. 1971-2. I don't know where it started but it's probably in most old west cemetery's by now and is a great saying.
    I started at page one tonight and am almost blown away by all the information on this movie. I don't know if I ever have seen all of it at once. I have seen parts of it several times.
    I am preparing to watch it again all the way through with some of data from here printed out. The first thing is to see all the actors in it, that I didn't know were there. Also to catch all the dialog you have quoted.
    I also pre-ordered the Blue Ray of the Quiet Man, excited about the better quality.
    Gorch thanks for all of these great pictures, it's rare to get such quality close ups like this. Some make me feel like I am standing there beside them.

    "A people that values their Privileges above it's Principles. Soon looses both." Dwight Eisenhower

    Edited once, last by colkid60: Add a line, cleanup the spaces ().

  • I hope to see it soon. It will be the "newest" movie I have seen, LOL! Wasn't excited about seeing it until I saw all the pics and have heard the praises from everyone. KEITH

    God, she reminds me of me! DUKE