Duke's Movies- Blu-Ray/DVD Releases

There are 287 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 216,739 times. The latest Post () was by Paula.

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  • Well I don't really have much hope for this myself, but it can't hurt. If you enter TCM's website and go to John Wayne's biography found here:


    On the filmography at the far left press the more link you get all his movies listed. Click on any individual film and you can vote on it. This is to help show interest for having it released on DVD. Of course it would mean voting for those not released yet.

    Well I voted on a couple and intend to vote on more the coming days. Maybe if we all went in and did this it could help their chances.

    Popol Vuh

  • PV, THANKS for the heads up on this opportunity.

    They even tell us why we should vote on a title -


    Because we'll routinely send your votes to major Home video distributors responsible for releasing classic movies on to DVD. So go ahead and vote and let your voice be heard!

    I just went through and checked out every title I don't have. Quite a few are currently not available, so I voted for those. Some are available, so now I know I can get them if I want them.

    Did anybody notice that The Shootist wasn't listed in that filmography? How weird is that?

    And what's up with this listing in Duke's filmography?




    30, Still Single: Contemplating Suicide (1998) as William--Cafe Patron

  • The only one on that list that I could think of really wanting that hadn't been "officially" released was Circus World. Not that its a great movie or anything but its another one of those that I remember watchign with my dad while growing up. Would be nice to throw it in once in awhile to reminisce.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • Just going over some of my movie website's that post info on upcoming DVD releases and I come across this that was posted by the guys over at The Digital Bits :

    There are some rumors surfacing that MGM will release the complete director's cut of John Wayne's The Alamo (as previously available only on the special edition laserdisc) by mid-2009. This would be a delightful release for the film's devoted fans, so let's hope there's some truth to it, especially if a Blu-ray version is also in the works.

    Let's keep our finger's crossed!!!!

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

  • That's great Todd. It would be great to see that movie released in its complete from.

    Is there any other news of other Duke movies being released? These are the movies that have not been released prior to 1939.

    Wheel Of Fortune
    Lady From Louisiana
    Lady For A Night
    War Of The Wildcats
    The Barbarian And The Geisha
    Circus World
    I Married A Woman (a cameo appearance)

    I will have all of the movies when these are released.

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • Hi Mike

    I bought I Married A Woman on DVD last month. it was released by the John Wayne Film Society. I got it along with the Glenn campbell show and some of the 3 Mesquiteer series.



  • Hello Hondo
    Happily,DVD of "Circus World" and "The Barbarian and The Geisha" has
    been already released in Japan. ofcourse I bought them.
    I guess these DVD(Region 1)also released in USA.
    For me to hope most now is release of "the Wings of Eagles"DVD
    (Region2)in Japan early.


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • Thank's Keith, I tried finding this thread but for some reason I couldn't it. Must of been the time of night that I was looking for it!!!

    Mike, there was no mention of any other movie's that I could find at this time.

    Life is hard, its even harder when your stupid!!
    -John Wayne

    Edited once, last by SXViper ().

  • Taka,

    These are movies in Region 1. I'm not sure what is your region, and what movies are released. But I will be glad to see about it. What region are you in?

    Cheers :cool: Hondo


    "When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it"

    - John Wayne quote

  • I believe that region 2 is Japan Mike.

    SxViper is right.
    It explains the region code of DVD to make sure though it is thought what you know.
    From Wikipedia, DVD discs may be encoded with a region code restricting the area of the world in which they can be played.
    The commercial DVD player specification requires that a player to be sold in a given place not play discs encoded for a different region.
    the purpose of this is to allow motion pictures studios to control aspects
    of a release,including content,release date,and,especially,price,according to the region.
    region code 1s area is U.S. territories,Canada ,Bermuda.
    and code 2 's area is Western and central Europe and Japan,U.K. French.
    But, about Blu-ray Disc is different.
    In region for Blu-ray standard,area of region A is America and East Asia.
    Happily Japan and U.S.A. has the same code. waoh,Idon't have Blu-ray disc.:cry2:


    Sometimes kids ask me what a pro is. I just point to the Duke.
    ~Steve McQueen~

  • This is probably old news to all you folks but I just discovered that Paramount is releasing these films as 2 disc editions to celebrate the studio's 100th anniversary. (*Since I am already committed to this, I just decided to post the info on both of them. I apologize for the trouble this may cause.)

    El Dorado's Showdown

    A DVD big enough for two discs.

    by [email protected]

    February 24, 2009 - On May 19, 2009, Paramount Home Entertainment will release El Dorado (Paramount Centennial Collection) on DVD. Legendary producer-director Howard Hawks teams up with two legendary stars, John Wayne and Robert Mitchum, in a classic Western drama. Mitchum plays to perfection an alcoholic but gutsy sheriff who relentlessly battles the "dark side" of the Wild West – ruthless cattle barons and crooked "businessmen." It will contain bonus materials and extra features, and the DVD will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $24.99.

    El Dorado (Paramount Centennial Collection) DVD will feature the following bonus materials:

    • Commentary by Filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich
    • Ride, Boldly Ride: The Journey to El Dorado
    • Commentary with critic and film historian Richard Schickel featuring actor Ed Asner and author Todd McCarthy
    • The Artist and the American West (1967) - Vintage Featurette
    • Behind the Gates: AC Remembers John Wayne
    • Galleries
    • Theatrical trailer

    Check out the box art below:


  • February 25, 2009
    - On May 19, 2009, Paramount Home Entertainment will release The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Paramount Centennial Collection) on DVD. Director John Ford brings us to the lawless frontier village of Shinbone, a town plagued by a larger-than-life nemesis, Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). Jimmy Stewart plays the bungling but charming big-city lawyer determined to rid Shinbone of Valance, and he finds that he has an unlikely ally -- in the form of a rugged, local rancher (John Wayne). The two men also share the same love interest (Miles). But when the final showdown becomes inevitable, one It will contain bonus materials and extra features, and the DVD will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $24.99.

    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (Paramount Centennial Collection) DVD will feature the following bonus materials:

    • The Size of Legends, The Soul of Myth
    • Commentary by Filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich along with his archival recordings with John Ford and James Stewart
    • Selected Scene Commentary with intro by Dan Ford along with his archival recordings with John Ford, James Stewart and Lee Marvin
    • Original Theatrical Trailer
    • Galleries

    Check out the box art below:

  • I feel like such an idiot.... I checked the posts for each of the movies respective threads and saw nothing. then I checked the General threads and found nothing. But I failed to check the movie reviews board.
    Thanks for moving it.

    It's no problem.
    A few months ago, Chester and I,
    scoured all the threads, and found endless
    ones, relating to new releases.
    We set about merging them all into one 'super-thread'
    and of course the best place to place it, was in the Movies

    Thanks for you post and your support.

    Best Wishes
    London- England