Save the Quiet Man Cottage

There are 57 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 62,706 times. The latest Post () was by Hawkswill.

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  • My Family and I were down in Anaheim, California last week to visit Disneyland. During our stay I contacted Gregory Ebbitt, present owner of the Cottage. My wife and I met him, and his wife, for dinner at a local restaurant. Over the course of the meal he gave us his account of owning, and trying to restore the White O' Morn Cottage. It's quite a long story, filled with many disappointments. When my wife and I get some time, we will attempt to put into words his story, and post it here.

    Chester :newyear:

    Thanks for the update Jim,
    although I might add IMO, I wonder why we help and support the very
    group that takes such a dim view of this message board!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Thanks for the update Jim,
    although I might add IMO, I wonder why we help and support the very
    group that takes such a dim view of this message board!!

    What group are you talking about, Keith? The Facebook Quiet Man group? Why do they not look favorably on this board? I think this is a great board.


    "I couldn't go to sleep at night if the director didn't call 'cut'. "

  • Thanks for the update Jim,
    although I might add IMO, I wonder why we help and support the very
    group that takes such a dim view of this message board!!

    My wife and I have made an extensive attempt to rectify any misunderstanding that the StQMC Facebook group may have had regarding our message board. I thought things were going well. Then I mentioned to the leader of the group that we had dinner with the owner of the cottage, and that we would share more information soon, and somehow shortly after that, my FB membership to their group was discontinued and my FB message as to why that happened has gone unanswered. In addition, it appears I have been 'unfriended' by the leader of the group as well. However, I think the restoration of the cottage (and possible expansion of the surrounding area to include other attractions of interest to movie fans) is of the utmost importance, and I'm willing to rise above the pettiness to lend my support. I hope our members are also in favor of supporting the restoration effort.

    Chester :newyear:

  • My wife and I have made an extensive attempt to rectify any misunderstanding that the StQMC Facebook group may have had regarding our message board. I thought things were going well. Then I mentioned to the leader of the group that we had dinner with the owner of the cottage, and that we would share more information soon, and somehow shortly after that, my FB membership to their group was discontinued and my FB message as to why that happened has gone unanswered. In addition, it appears I have been 'unfriended' by the leader of the group as well. However, I think the restoration of the cottage (and possible expansion of the surrounding area to include other attractions of interest to movie fans) is of the utmost importance, and I'm willing to rise above the pettiness to lend my support. I hope our members are also in favor of supporting the restoration effort.

    Chester :newyear:

    Sue and Jim,
    thanks for the update, and your efforts.
    How odd they should react like that?
    Whist of course I support any efforts regarding Duke's legacy,
    I did leave the group, which in light of what you said,
    probably pre-empted them discontinuing my membership!
    I find their attitude bewildering, to say the least!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Sue and Jim,
    My take on the group is this:-
    I believe them to be at the point of being, possessive, obsessive
    and singularly minded, about making the saving of the cottage
    their own personal crusade!
    The way they treated you both relating to your meeting with the owner
    is consistent with the a pattern of events I've noticed over there.
    More than once the groups admin, have scoffed and scorned
    at any individual member who wants/tried to intervene,
    like sending letters to the owner, offer financial help etc.
    Many of those members have since left for whatever reason.

    The downside of their efforts is the fact, as stated,
    that the cottage cannot be rebuilt in it's original location
    due to the change in the flood plain of the river,
    and has to be built 'somewhere up the hill'.
    Does the owner of the cottage indeed own that land?
    If he doesn't no wonder he is reticent about spending
    any money on it's restoration!
    Moreover why should he spend any money
    restoring the cottage where it is,
    bearing in mind what I've already mentioned.

    The problem is, if the cottage is rebuilt anywhere but it's original location,
    it becomes just another replica, one of which they already have in Cong!
    There seems little point it being 'somewhere else'
    as it defeats the object.
    It would have more visitors if it was for example rebuilt in
    say Dublin or even Los Angeles.
    After all if it is a replica, it can be anywhere!!

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • Jim, the White O'Morn link doesn't open anything. Is the page missing?

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

    Edited 2 times, last by Kevin ().

  • No, I didn't post it properly, Try it again, though, if your not on FaceBook, don't know if it will open.

    Chester :newyear:

    The link is OK from here, but as you say Jim you have to be a FB member.

    Oh well chaos and fragmentation amongst the ranks
    is not helpful to their cause.
    What's up with those guys?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 2 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Thanks, I was able to get to the site, and join of course.

    I don't know why there seems to be problems with the other Facebook site, the Save the Quiet Man Cottage page. It seems to me to be counterproductive to the goal of saving White O'Morn.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • I read an interesting news article on White O'Morn this morning. The article is from an Irish news service. According to the article, the Irish government has offered to pay for all restoration on White O'Morn, but the owner won't talk to them about it. It seems to me that everything is ready to start, but the owner is dragging his feet. Here is the link to the article:…-man-cottage-2960377.html

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • Thanks for this post Bob, and very interesting.
    As the owner ever said why he is 'dragging his feet' on this?
    He must have real good reason considering the pressure
    is is being put under.
    There is sill the point I mentioned in my earlier post,
    that they will not be able to rebuild the cottage
    in it's present location.
    Perhaps this is in the owner's mind?

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • As to the fragmentation of support for achieving a stated common goal:

    "It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when no one cares who gets the credit."

    A few random-ish thoughts On the topic of the present owner and his actions:

    I have seen similar situations develop where the will of private ownership appears to be in conflict with some public sentiment or "call for preservation" that desires different handling of a property than what the legal owner originally intended. To be fair, I do not know whether the present land-owner came into possession through inheritance of family holdings or outright purchase, recent or not.

    Regardless, one cannot help but think that anyone thrust into a situation where organized groups of people not actually invested in ownership of property attempt to dictate or suggest how that property should be managed is going to feel a bit reluctant to give up control and even resent the intrusion of "outsiders".

    My opinion is that the Irish government ( whether national or local I have no bias) should offer to purchase the property and its environs and create a small park ( aka tourist destination). Clearly they are aware of its heritage and importance as a film location, but more importantly the film popularized Irish culture to world movie audiences ( certainly Americans ) in such a way that few films have then - or since. Economically, this has been a very valuable resource for the Irish people.

    Should ownership of the cottage and property in question remain private, perhaps the best course to preserve and protect the site would be to fashion a private tour experience/ lease that includes the cottage site where a fee is paid by the tour operators for ongoing upkeep , insurance and maintenance.

    The family who rightfully own this property need to be either made whole, have their concerns and needs protected, or otherwise be made to feel welcome in this discussion or it will go no-where.

    As Duke would say, they own it fair and square. If we're gonna strike some kind of bargain, we need to make sure its good for all involved. A rising tide lifts all boats- so, what's it take to make most everybody happy here ?

  • Very good points grumpy. Perhaps what is needed is a go-between, a liaison that could bring the two sides together to the benefit of both. Of course, I have no idea what the owner is thinking or what his plans are, nor do I have any idea that the ultimate goal of the Irish government is. Perhaps, as grumpy implies, the owners wishes and the governments ultimate goals may be worlds apart. I guess this will just have to be a wait and see situation.

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them" It may be time worn, but it's the best life-creed I know.

  • I agree, the owner needs a liaison to interact on his behalf. For the last two months, I've been trying to get members of the Wayne family interested in trying to help Mr. Ebbitt (he's the owner of the property where the cottage is).

    When my wife and I were in southern California with our family on a recent vacation, we met with Mr. Ebbitt and his wife. He shared with us that he and his wife absolutely love the movie The Quiet Man. When they were in Ireland a number of years ago (around 1982, if I remember correctly), they visited Ireland for two weeks. He learned that the property was for sale, expressed his immediate and intense interest to buy the property, yet it still took almost three years before he became the owner.

    It was his desire to restore the cottage, and he made at least two trips to Ireland to try to make it happen, after making numerous contacts prior to his trips. Both times, when he got there, no one showed up to meet with him. After two such experiences, he was sorely disappointed and discouraged. As time has gone on, he has had several offers from people who would like to purchase the property. He is NOT interested in selling it. He would be most interested in working with someone (group or individual) who has the cash to do the restoration. He has ideas that would make the area a potentially attractive tourist destination in Ireland.

    Three months ago, as a member of the StQMC Facebook group, I noticed another member, Patrick McCormick, make remarks implying government confiscation of the property after I made a post regarding possibly talking to Mr. Ebbitt. That remark was the primary reason I started establishing a dialogue with Mr. Ebbitt, as I am very much opposed to government confiscation of privately owned property.

    Patrick McCormick has been a major player in the StQMC FB group, along with Mike Ward. As I may have mentioned before, I sent an email to Mike Ward indicating that I met with Mr. Ebbitt and would provide further information regarding Mr. Ebbitt's perspective on the whole affair. I was immediately 'unfriended' by Mike Ward on Facebook and no longer a member of the StQMC FB group. Now, in the last few days, there have been several articles in Irish newspapers regarding the QM cottage and how the "American owner" doesn't want to work with anyone in the restoration process. I know for a fact that this isn't true, and I'm concerned that there is a conspiracy going on between the StQMC group, several politicians, and some of the media. Today I responded to one of the news articles over there with the comment that Mr. Ebbitt was indeed willing to work with people and wanted to get on with the restoration. Here it is, 12 hours later, and my post has yet to be moderated/approved. At the same time, just 12 hours ago, Patrick McCormick, on his White'o'Morn restoration FB group, showed a copy of his and Mike Ward's plan to restore the cottage after the government confiscates it. I've sent several emails to Mr. Ebbitt in the past two days, trying to make him aware that the 'sharks are circling', and they're out for blood.

    Who knows if I'm on the right trail or not. Ultimately, the final goal is restoration of the cottage. I do think that if the Wayne family would help Mr. Ebbitt and get involved in this, that would be very beneficial.

    What do you all think of all of this? Any thoughts or suggestions?

    Chester :newyear:

  • Three months ago, as a member of the StQMC Facebook group, I noticed another member, Patrick McCormick, make remarks implying government confiscation of the property after I made a post regarding possibly talking to Mr. Ebbitt. That remark was the primary reason I started establishing a dialogue with Mr. Ebbitt, as I am very much opposed to government confiscation of privately owned property.

    Chester :newyear:

    I agree with you Jim,
    Mr. Ebbit purchased the property for whatever reasons,
    maybe hopefully to see it fully restored.
    It is his, and in no way should it be confiscated.

    It it a real shame that when he did visit to make plans,
    he was not even met by anyone and it is no wonder he was discouraged.
    I think the actions of the various groups namely the STQMC
    are just about putting the proverbial 'nail in the coffin'
    for him to want to work alongside them.
    The group also appear to be anti-anyone unless Irish,who are intervening
    as I notice they were quite hostile to members, including myself,
    with an attitude of 'what's it got to do with you?' attitude.
    Maybe that same attitude prevailed with you Jim,
    on your mentioning your meeting with the owner?

    It all seems to me, it is what the group wants to do,
    and not taking into consideration. Ebbit's views.
    Has anyone actually asked him what he would like to do with it,
    and how they can help in achieving this goal, that if indeed he has one?
    At the moment it appears everyone is telling him what THEY want!

    Best Wishes
    London- England