Sterling Price Photo Restoration Gallery ~ Scrape the mud off your boots B4 entering.

There are 69 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 44,951 times. The latest Post () was by Kevin.

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  • Why does someone always have to ruin it for everyone? I mean, SP isnt trying to make money off this even though he really could--copyright or no copyright and I can tell you how he could and NOT get sued for it. All he has to do if he wished--is to sell these in frames as framed art--selling the frames and NOT the art in said frames.

    And no-not for one second did I see anywhere where Sterling Price is claiming everything with in--to be ONLY his ideas and creations.

    Also, im NOT bashing someone--but I hate it when somehting seemingly has to be PC!!!!!!!!!

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Both valid points which I hadn't even considered before. The Net is abolutely flooded with tens of millions of random images such as this and most of which the original artist/contributor is not even cited. Had I known about Mr. Timmons's web site and the body of original work he's created, I would never have included my own "interpretation" and posted it on here and for that I do apologize.

    I will gladly remove this post and any other of my "restoration" posts that JWMB decides is not appropriate. Also, no "credit name" at all will appear on any future postings of mine

    This is a wonderful web site and I certainly don't want to "muck" it up. Thanks once again to both of you for the heads-up.

    SP< dont let one person ruin this for you as well as all of the rest of us. Also, please read my posting before this one--it will explain more. Also, I love your stuff shown--Carl.

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  • Please read my two posts--I know they are after yours but--I did explain somehting I recently learned that will spare SP from anything negative as well as this site.

    I get so damned tired of someone making a weak complaint on something even though Sterling Price is not in any way, shape or form, trying to steal from anything copyrighted and also, if he chose to sell his stiff in frames? all he would have to do to avoid any legalities on copyrighted stuff--is sell it as frames with the art in the frames--not selling the art itself. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Same here and I fully agree. If he did that on one of the sites I moderate on--he would be spending time in: The Cooler (Siberia) etc.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • OK, we all need to simmer down on this one,
    and not now let a continuing argument be aired in thread.
    The point taken that SP should have been contacted privately
    is hardly helped, by going public.

    We suggested that SP re-instate his images,
    unless their were complaints from the copyright owners,
    of which then, we would have to, as a forum take action.

    However this is not the case, and MartyB2,
    should also not be vilified publicly,
    for making after all, a statement of fact.

    Can we therefore gentlemen, draw a line under this and move on

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 3 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • Absolutely and I for one will start the ball rolling ~~~

    To begin with, I was once young and handsome when
    I first started out on this site ~

    Now look at me

    Can we all just get along?

  • I hate it when somehting seemingly has to be PC!!!!!!!!!”…” I get so damned tired of someone making a weak complaint…”My issue with it was that it was out of line and cowardly”...”If he did that on one of the sites I moderate on--he would be spending time in: The Cooler…”It SHOULD have been done PRIVATELY”…

    WOW!!!…that’s a lot of vitriol…..

    Folks…I wasn’t angry…I wasn’t on a crusade and I certainly wasn’t trying to create trouble…men deal with issues in the open…not in the dark…I like SP’s work…I said so…I hope he continues..

    I would, however, ask my fellow members to answer honestly the question, “Would you mind it if someone else put their name on your property?”…I know I wouldn’t…Now, I enjoy this site very much and have only posted a few times for I have had little to say and have enjoyed what was said…I can’t remember ever trying to cause ‘trouble’ before…

    So…I’ll do the PC thing…Sterling Price, I like your work…please keep posting…To the offended parties promise I will stop posting and merely enjoy the photos, stories and artwork from this site and cause you no more angst…

    However, I will leave you this from ‘The Alamo’ to contemplate…

    “Crockett : Step down off your high horse, Mister. You don’t get lard less’n you boil th’ hog…

    Crockett: There’s right and there’s wrong. You gotta do one or the other. You do the one and you’re living. You do the other, and you may be walking around, but you’re dead as a beaver hat…”

  • Nah, of course not (what Marty said). Funny thing is, this is not even a "real" gallery. It is merely a figment of my imagination and "Sterling Price", in reality, doesn't even exist. My so-called "restoration gallery" is the only thing that I could think of to let everyone know in advance that none of what you're about to see is "original" from me and for which I (my real name) could even take credit for.

    I did a lot of research last night into copyright infringement and you can all rest assured ~ what I'm doing doesn't even come close.. There are quite a number of "exceptions" to the law that governs intellectual property, a number of which also includes such things as "fair use" and "derivitive interpretation" as well as any number of ways the original owner of a protected property might be "damaged" for the unauthorized useage of such property.

    From strictly a legal standpoint, I could just as easily have placed the name "Mickey Mouse" or "Donald Duck" at the bottom of each of these photos that I've posted. As long as Mickey or Donald or Sterling do not economically "profit" in any way by it, then there are no actual "damages" ~ embarrassing perhaps and definately in poor taste I agree, but not an "infringement" or denial of gain (in the legal sense) upon the copyright holder of the original property itself. Keep in mind, that every image which can be viewed on the Web, is not the "original" ~ it is only an electronic reproduction of the original which is placed on the Web for public display.

    All of us have to realize that the World Wide Web is a virtual "minefield" of information, including the written word as well as imagery that may also include world class works of art. Once these words and images are posted on the Web for the World to see and use or misuse, there is no turning back ~ they can never be retrieved. Authors and artists have to accept this caveat and decide beforehand whether or not the "risk" is even worth it. And, that long legal road to actually being able to prove such "damages" is rarely traveled by the faint of heart.

  • [quote='MartyB2','']“I hate it when somehting seemingly has to be PC!!!!!!!!!”…” I get so damned tired of someone making a weak complaint…”My issue with it was that it was out of line and cowardly”...”If he did that on one of the sites I moderate on--he would be spending time in: The Cooler…”It SHOULD have been done PRIVATELY”…

    WOW!!!…that’s a lot of vitriol…..

    ""Tripe"' and the Hog's been boiled.

    PS, and dont drag Duke or Davy Crockett into this either. Im a big fan of both as well as being from the State where Crockett died fighting for us back then.

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

    Edited once, last by The Ringo Kid ().

  • We have asked to draw a line under this argument.
    If this continues publicly, we will have no alternative but to delete all the posts, relating to this.

    Will all concerned, please take note of our Community Standards,
    three of which are applicable here, and we ask that you adhere to them

    * Material on the Site is for your personal use only.
    The Site contains copyrighted and other proprietary information. You may not in any way make commercial or other unauthorized use, by publication, retransmission, distribution, performance, caching, or otherwise, of material obtained through the Site, except as permitted by the Copyright Act or other law.

    * Flaming/Bashing Other Members,
    Trolling, etc is not tolerated. Members who flame or bash another member are in violation of these community standards, and may have their posting privileges revoked without warning. Trolling: Posting controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

    * Respect Everyone's Opinion.
    Please treat your fellow web board members with respect. Just because someone disagrees with another member's opinion does not give him or her the right to insult or otherwise demean that member. Anyone who chooses to post profanity, pick fights, call members derogatory names or otherwise attack other members is subject to being warned by the moderators and/or subject to having his or her membership canceled. We want our members to feel comfortable posting their opinions, even unpopular ones, without fear that they will be slammed for it. No matter how crazy or outlandish an opinion is, it is still that member's opinion and he or she is entitled to it.

    Please can we have your support

    Best Wishes
    London- England

    Edited 6 times, last by ethanedwards ().

  • You have my support Keith. Ringo ~ please play it cool otherwise this entire "Gallery" may be deleted and I've already put far too much hard work into it so far.

    You're a good man and I know you mean well, but at least try to look at it this way ~ Marty made me aware of a great website filled with original works that I will definately make use of in the future. I will give credit to the original artist and "Sterling Price" won't even be mentioned ~ mission still accomplished.

  • You have my support Keith.Ringo ~ please play it cool otherwise this entire "Gallery" may be deleted and I've already put far too much hard work into it so far

    Thank you SP,

    This thread will NOT be deleted,
    but any inflammatory off-topic comments may well be.

    Best Wishes
    London- England

  • You have my support Keith. Ringo ~ please play it cool otherwise this entire "Gallery" may be deleted and I've already put far too much hard work into it so far.

    You're a good man and I know you mean well, but at least try to look at it this way ~ Marty made me aware of a great website filled with original works that I will definately make use of in the future. I will give credit to the original artist and "Sterling Price" won't even be mentioned ~ mission still accomplished.

    Consider it done. ;-))

    Es Ist Verboten Mit Gefangenen In Einzelhaft Zu Sprechen..

  • Sterling Price, I was very touched by your stories about Robert Taylor. I thought you would enjoy the following article which has some high praise for Mr. Taylor from two Hollywood wranglers. It was published in the Meridian Journal, July 19, 1954.